5 Things You Didn’t Know About Ayurvedic Thailams

Written by Chandni GhoshSep 27, 2018
In today’s day and age, we’re constantly battling pollution, stress and even sleep deprivation. This has a direct impact on not just our body but also our hair and skin. Thankfully, the solution to modern-day problems can be found in the 5000 year-old, revered Ayurvedic texts or granthas. One of the chief ingredients of Ayurvedic remedies are thailams (oils) that exhibit calming, moisturising and healing properties. They can be used as ingredients in a product or during a massage. Here are a few more things you didn’t know about Ayurvedic oils…

What are Ayurvedic thailams?

Cleanse your face with the Ayush Natural Fairness <a href="/all-things-skin/occasion/3-ways-to-get-glowing-skin-with-saffron">Saffron</a> Facewash

Conceived using traditional Ayurvedic recipes, thailams (also pronounced as tailams) are made in such a way that the medicinal value of the plants that constitute them remains intact. You’d be surprised to learn that each thailam is made up of 50 different kinds of plants that ultimately aim to restore the body’s well-being. The oils are easily absorbed into the skin and lend their healing properties to various cells in the body.


Why you should rely on Ayurvedic thailams

Cleanse your face with the Ayush Natural Fairness <a href="/all-things-skin/occasion/3-ways-to-get-glowing-skin-with-saffron">Saffron</a> Facewash

Ayurvedic oils help to get rid of toxins from the body. They are very soothing and assist in various health concerns, be it digestive issues or dry skin. In Sanskrit, the word for oil is sneha, which means love, and therefore, in Ayurveda, oils are seen as carriers of love that heal different parts of the body including hair and skin. Ultimately, the main purpose of Ayurvedic oils is to create a harmonic balance in your system.

How to incorporate Ayurvedic thailams in your beauty routine…


Shower daily with the Ayush Moisturising <a href="/all-things-skin/everyday/5-ways-in-which-cow-ghee-benefits-your-hair-and-skin">Cow&rsquo;s Ghee</a> Soap

Cleanse your face with the Ayush Natural Fairness <a href="/all-things-skin/occasion/3-ways-to-get-glowing-skin-with-saffron">Saffron</a> Facewash

Formulated to give you soft and smooth skin, Ayush Mositurising Cow’s Ghee Soap is prepared with the goodness of Pinda Thailam and of course, cow’s ghee. Unlike what you might have imagined it to be, it isn’t greasy at all. In fact, cow’s ghee is known to be extremely moisturising on the skin and Pinda Thailam helps to cure any kind of inflammation, redness or rashes. Since this oil is the perfect concoction of Ayurvedic herbs such as sesame oil, Manjistha and Sariva, it helps to moisturise skin and yet, keep it cool and hydrated.


Wash your hair with the <a href="/all-things-skin/everyday/one-step-ayurvedic-remedies-for-your-skin-and-hair">Ayush</a> Anti Dandruff Neem Shampoo

Cleanse your face with the Ayush Natural Fairness <a href="/all-things-skin/occasion/3-ways-to-get-glowing-skin-with-saffron">Saffron</a> Facewash

Aimed at giving you a healthy scalp, Ayush’s Anti Dandruff Neem Shampoo is formulated with 5000 years of Ayurvedic wisdom. Along with the goodness of neem, which is known for its anti-fungal properties, it has Rosemary Thailam, a potent Ayurvedic oil that nourishes hair. By stimulating cell division and dilating blood vessels, it also promotes hair growth. Use this shampoo regularly for a head that is flake-free.


Cleanse your face with the Ayush Natural Fairness <a href="/all-things-skin/occasion/3-ways-to-get-glowing-skin-with-saffron">Saffron</a> Facewash

Cleanse your face with the Ayush Natural Fairness <a href="/all-things-skin/occasion/3-ways-to-get-glowing-skin-with-saffron">Saffron</a> Facewash

One of the most beneficial ingredients in the Ayush Natural Fairness Saffron Facewash is the Kumkumadi Thailam. Made of 16 precious herbal ingredients, Kumkumadi Thailam is known for its skin lightening properties that can help reduce dullness, brighten skin tone and give you that golden glow you always yearned for.

Chandni Ghosh

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I have this superpower of buying everything and anything related to cats because I strongly believe that cats are greater than human beings. Amidst all of these thoughts, I take time out to write about food, fitness and beauty - something that makes my job so much fun!

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