Why Coconut Oil Is Good For Your Hair And Easy Ways To Use It At Home

Written by Pratishtha RanaAug 18, 2022
Why coconut oil is good for your hair and easy ways to use it at home

We have all heard about the efficacy of oils in our skincare and haircare routine. There also are a few trusted oils that our mothers and grandmothers always reach out for. One such outstanding hair care ingredient is coconut oil, considered to be one of the most nourishing and healing oils out there. Coconut oil is especially a no-brainer for people living in tropical and coastal countries or cities as it is widely grown and accessible there. And if you have had your own little clouds of confusion about whether coconut oil is good for your hair or not, we’d like to tell you some quick but interesting facts about the ubiquitous oil.


Benefits of Coconut Oil For Hair:

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One common misconception is that coconut oil is not very versatile – that is it can be used in only one or two ways in hair care, but the truth is that coconut oil is extremely handy and can be used in numerous ways. Regular use, it may help your mane look healthier with regained strength in the strands and a silky shine. To understand better if coconut oil is beneficial for your hair or not, we list its benefits and let you make the verdict yourself.


01. For Hair Growth

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Although there is not much research linking the role of coconut oil to visible hair growth, it is observed that it significantly improves the health of scalp and hair. This, in turn, makes the mane look revitalised. With essential vitamins and fatty acids present in it, coconut oil nourishes the hair and helps to reduce sebum buildup from the hair follicles that could be blocking the growth of new hair; hence increasing the chances for hair to grow at a decent speed and giving the appearance of fuller, thicker hair.


02. Halts Hair Fall

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Not only does coconut oil promote hair growth, but it also strengthens the hair to prevent regular breakage. The oil is known to contain lauric acid (a type of fatty acid) that fortifies the roots of the hair and avoids the loss of hair protein by penetrating deeper into the scalp, reducing the chances of hair fall.


03. To Cure Dandruff

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Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems amongst people of all age groups and genders. And its prevention as well as remedy is super easy, too. Coconut oil aids in hydrating the scalp, removing the signs of extreme dryness, flakiness and itchiness that trigger dandruff. It also soothes inflammation. Not to forget, dandruff is one of the core reasons behind hair fall, so an early cure of dandruff with coconut oil will double up to treat this hair concern as well.


04. Keep Fungal Infections Away

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Not just dandruff, coconut oil works wonders to keep away various kinds of fungal and yeast infections from attacking the scalp. Packed with antibacterial goodness, coconut oil has two other types of fatty acids, capric and caprylic acid, which work actively to fight off the accumulation of bacteria that could activate the growth of lice eggs and lice in the hair, a hair concern that is quite daunting to treat.


05. Restores Lustre in Hair

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Regular application of coconut oil on the hair is often considered an excellent way to bring back life to your dull and lackluster hair. The daily wear and tear our hair usually goes through due to over-exposure to sun rays, pollutants and chemicals can likely be reversed with the help of coconut oil. The vitamins and nutrients present in it penetrate readily into the hair shafts and moisturise the locks to give it a smooth and lustrous texture. Coconut oil also acts as a natural conditioner to aid the retention of hydration in the hair, giving it an evident bounce and shine without any signs of dullness.


06. Soothes Scalp Irritation

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Besides keeping dandruff and hair fall in check, coconut oil also boosts the scalp with a calming and relieving treatment when used regularly once or twice every week. Laden with saturated fat content, coconut oil travels deep in the layers of hair and scalp, infusing lasting moisture levels and getting rid of excessive itching and inflammation that could possibly lead to scalp irritation.

Different ways to use coconut oil-


1. In a Hair Mask

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To effectively harness coconut oil’s many benefits, one of the easiest ways is to mix it with a few other nourishing ingredients for extra TLC and whisk up a DIY coconut oil hair mask. The hydrating and deep-penetrating properties of each ingredient will recharge the hair and enliven it for a healthier look. Check out the recipe below.

Ingredients you need:

  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2-3 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel
  • 2-3 teaspoon of honey

How to make the mask:

  • Take a bowl and add in it the above-mentioned quantities of coconut oil, aloe vera gel and honey. Mix it all well until nicely combined.
  • Use your fingertips to apply the mask on your hair (dry or wet) from root to tip. Coat every strand and massage it in well for the mask to absorb in your hair effectively.
  • Wait for 25-30 minutes and then rinse it off with room temperature water.


2. Hot Oil Treatment

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Another great way to soak in the benefits of coconut oil is by indulging in a hot oil treatment before you shampoo and condition your hair. A hot oil session is a rather popular hair care routine to keep your tresses from becoming rough, dry or lackluster. Although offered at hair salons, too, hot oil treatment can also be done easily at home.

How to do it:

Before proceeding with hot oil treatment, make sure your hair is cleansed in advance. Clean scalp and hair allow the oil to penetrate the strands and cuticles much better. Now while you detangle your hair and get rid of knots, let the coconut oil heat up to a warm temperature. Make sure it’s not too hot and then apply the oil on your hair and scalp, simultaneously massaging your head too. Now, you could put on a shower cap or wrap a wet hair towel soaked in hot water to double up the effectiveness of the treatment. Wait for 30-40 minutes before washing your hair with shampoo and finishing up with a conditioner.

Coconut oil is hailed for good reason. It nourishes strands, replenishes moisture, improves manageability, controls frizz, and adds high-gloss shine and softness to curls.

Also, it's naturally rich in proteins and fatty acids, and hence it's status as an age-old favorite in hair care routines all over the world.


3. Frizz Fix

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We understand, not everybody is comfortable with the idea of dousing their hair and scalp with coconut oil. But, this is not the only way you can use this amazing ingredient. You can actually use it to control the look of your frizz and unruly hair by taking a really little amount of coconut oil in your palms, warming it up a bit between your palms and touching it up on your frizzy sections lightly. Remember, you only want to tame the frizz, so don’t apply it on the scalp and simply use it at the ends of your hair. Complete this quick routine by combing out your locks to finally get a more controlled, manageable and shinier hair texture.

Pratishtha Rana

Written by

Pratishtha is a writer driven by curiosity. With over two years of experience in journalism, her toes are dipped in the exciting world of beauty, fashion, food, travel and luxury. Trust her words to help you navigate the do’s and don’ts of all that’s trending online (and offline). A lover of minimal aesthetics, she’s also big on experimenting with colours and prints, and often finds herself power-dressing even for a quick grocery run. When not at work, she’s reading a book, learning Korean, binging on K-Dramas and kimchi ramyeon or just karaoke-ing her hours away.


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