Dealing With Oily Dandruff: A Step-By-Step Manual

Written by Sanjana GuptaSep 16, 2023

Is the problem of oily dandruff being a nuisance for you?

Dandruff can be quite embarrassing, and we understand that it can be rather difficult to deal with as well. Scratching your head in public, especially when you have dandruff, doesn’t make for a very pleasant scenario.

Dandruff might also force you to bid adieu to any black piece of clothing in your wardrobe since the contrast increases its visibility and makes it even more noticeable.

Well, it is time you put your foot down and said, “No more!”


What is the root cause of oily dandruff?

Pure derma shampoo:

This condition, oily dandruff, is referred to in the medical community as ‘seborrheic dermatitis’.

To put it in layman’s language, this condition affects your scalp adversely, leading to dandruff. And that’s definitely bad news!

Although the exact cause of this condition hasn’t been determined as yet, it can be traced to the yeast fungus called as Malassezzia which irritates your scalp, resulting in the increased production of oil.  This can occur due to a variety of reasons.

In certain cases, this condition is genetic. If the problem runs in your family, you’re likely to suffer from it as well.

Pure derma shampoo:

If you haven’t been shampooing enough, it can lead to the accumulation of dead skin cells, causing white flakes to appear on your scalp. The use of certain personal care products may lead to dandruff as well.

Pure derma shampoo:

You are what you eat, they say. Your diet plays a major role in shaping you. Therefore, a change in your diet, including in your intake of alcohol, may lead to this condition.

Hormonal changes could also have played a part, especially if you’ve fallen prey to this condition in your adolescent years.

In the case of oily dandruff, you might notice white oily flakes on your scalp as well as a constant itch. These flakes tend to fall off on your shoulders and the condition worsens especially during the winters.

However, you can treat this condition right from the comforts of your own house. The treatments are simple and hassle-free. Here’s a few of them:


Baking Soda:

Pure derma shampoo:

All you need is 1 tablespoon of baking soda for this fix.

This kitchen ingredient will certainly come in handy when you decide to resolve all your oily dandruff problems. It is an easy and effective remedy, and hardly takes any time.

How to go about it:

Start by rinsing your hair with lukewarm water. Then, gently massage your hair in circular motions using baking soda. Wait for 1-2 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Repeat this process about two to three times every week.


Apple Vinegar Cider:

Pure derma shampoo:

Treating dandruff with apple vinegar cider is the best remedy one can think of. Although it is a bit time consuming, it will help you deal with your oily dandruff problem in a much effective manner.

How to go about it:

Start by rinsing your hair with lukewarm water. Then, add ½ a cup of water to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Now, apply this solution onto your scalp and massage gently. Let it sit on for about 10 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

You should repeat this process as frequently as possible throughout the week for more effective results.



Pure derma shampoo:

Mostly used during the wedding season, this ingredient can prove to be your ticket out of oily dandruff land. Plus, it also helps softens your hair, rejuvenating and restoring your hair. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

How to go about it:

Start off by adding 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the henna. Let this paste cook overnight.

Then, apply this concoction onto your scalp in the morning and leave it on for about 2-3 hours. Rinse your hair preferably using an anti-dandruff shampoo.
You can repeat this process about twice in a month.


Fenugreek seeds:

Pure derma shampoo:

Fenugreek seeds have certain properties that help fight against the problem of oily dandruff. You can now bid adieu to your dandruff, thanks to this amazing fenugreek paste.

How to go about it:

Start by soaking fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Then, drain the water and mash the fenugreek seeds into a paste. Let this solution soak for half an hour.

Apply this paste onto your scalp and let it sit on for about half an hour. Rinse using a shampoo.



Pure derma shampoo:

This is probably the last ingredient that might come to your mind when you think of fighting dandruff, but garlic can certainly help resolve most of your dandruff problems. Garlic has anti-fungal properties which are useful in combating dandruff.

How to go about it:

Start off by crushing 2-3 raw garlic pods and add 2 tablespoons of water to it. Then, add a little over 1 tablespoon of raw honey to this mixture.

Apply this solution onto your scalp and let it sit on for some time. Rinse it off with a shampoo.

Try switching your shampoo:

You might want to consider switching to an anti-dandruff shampoo to deal with your oily dandruff problem better.

Our Personal Picks:


Ayush Shampoo:

Pure derma shampoo:

Are you suffering from dandruff? You could try this shampoo, made using natural ingredients.

Why choose Ayush shampoo, you might ask?

If you are looking for an Ayurvedic solution to your dandruff problems, this is the shampoo for you!

Additionally, this shampoo helps stimulate hair growth and also strengthens your hair right from its roots.


Pure derma shampoo:

Pure derma shampoo:

Another solution to help fix your dandruff issues, along with adding volume to your hair, is the Pure derma shampoo!

Why choose Pure derma shampoo?

This shampoo thoroughly cleanses your hair. Plus, it also nourishes your dry scalp.

Sanjana Gupta

Written by

Author at BeBeautiful.


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