Strands As Thin As Silk? Let Us Tell You How To Increase Hair Volume

Written by Nisha ShahAug 22, 2022
Strands as thin as silk? Let us tell you how to increase hair volume

Just the other day, I was scrolling through social media and came across a video advertisement of a woman untying her hair, only to have them glide smoothly over her shoulders and reach up to her waist. Those thick, silky locks are the dream, I sighed. Whether it is these advertisements or the pop culture you consume, a significant aspect of a female character is her enviably long and luscious locks. Brands use the same idea to sell their hair products, promising thick and healthy hair. However, not every promise is fulfilled. Some of us thin-haired folks envy those with naturally thick and voluminous hair while trying out every hair product that promises us the same. If you’ve done the same, sis, we feel you. It’s tough. However, have you considered that there are other ways to increase your hair volume too? Hair products are not the only option, and no, we are not peddling you any fake promises. Here are some natural alternatives that we would suggest you try. Read on as we tell you what affects your hair thickness, and continue scrolling to know more about how to increase hair volume…


What Factors Affect Your Hair Volume?

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

While some might have thin hair because of the genes passed onto them, others might experience hair thinning which might reduce the lusciousness of their mane. Besides, several internal and external factors may also affect your hair volume. Here are some of the common causes, so you can check if the thinning of your mane is the result of either of them. Finding out the root cause will help you address the concern more specifically.


While stress may affect us emotionally and can disrupt our day-to-day functioning, it can wreak havoc on the body in several ways. It can negatively interfere with your immunity and affect the hormones in your system, thus causing your hair to weaken and fall. That’s why; if you want to know how to increase volume when the reason for your hair thinning is stress, then you first have to deal with stress effectively. Only then will you be able to help your mane.

Exposure to chemicals

While every cosmetic product we use contains chemicals, prolonged usage of such products can harm our hair health. Parabens and sulphates are common ingredients in hair products, and they can make your hair thin and weak. Moreover, today many of us also opt for chemical treatments to make our tresses look better. While these treatments may achieve that goal, the excessive use of chemicals in them can contribute to weak hair and induce hair thinning.

Inadequate hair care

With the busy lives we lead today, many of us cannot care for our hair as well as we should. Leaving the hair unoiled for days and weeks, not washing it frequently, combing it roughly, and not shampooing it regularly can all contribute to hair damage. When your hair is damaged, it can become brittle, which leads to hair loss and thinning.

Unhealthy diet

When your body does not get the minerals, vitamins, and essential nutrients it needs, it reflects on the hair as well. Your hair turns thin and brittle, leaving it dull and lifeless.


Along with affecting the body adversely, air pollution is also detrimental to your hair. It is known to reduce that specific protein in the hair follicles that is responsible for hair growth. In addition to this, the oxidative stress it causes can increase hair loss.


How to Increase Hair Volume Naturally?

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

If you experience excessive hair thinning, there are always medical solutions to address it. However, if it is extreme, and if you’re just wondering how to increase hair volume before your mane loses its thickness, then several natural alternatives can help. Below are some that you can try. Do note, however, that these are just natural remedies. If your situation is extreme, then seek medical assistance.


Avocado and olive oil treatment

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

A great source of biotin and vitamin E, avocado can be your answer to the question of how to increase hair volume. Avocado strengthens the hair and provides it with all the needed nutrients to make it healthy and voluminous. Olive oil is known to thicken hair, so mixing these two ingredients will result in strong, healthy, and voluminous hair. Mash a ripe avocado until there are no lumps left. To it, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and mix well until you get a smooth paste. Damp your hair and apply the mask evenly. Cover it with a shower cap and leave it for 30-40 minutes. Rinse it off and condition your hair as usual. Use this hair mask once a week for maximum results.


Castor oil massage

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

If you’re wondering how to increase hair volume, then castor oil is the most effective solution you could get. For thin hair, castor oil is the holy grail of all treatments. Vitamin E and fatty acids in castor oil strengthen the hair roots and stimulate blood circulation on the scalp. Give your hair a good massage with castor oil and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Keep in mind that castor oil is very thick, sticky, and difficult to rinse off, so do not use a lot of it. You might need to wash your hair multiple times to wash off the oil. Condition your hair after shampooing.


Egg hair mask

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein, and protein is what builds your hair. So, if you’re looking for a solution to increase hair volume, using an egg hair mask would be very effective. When used regularly, an egg mask can strengthen your hair and thicken it. To make the egg mask, combine the yolk of 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair evenly. Let it sit for 15 minutes, and then wash it off. Use this treatment once a week for most effective results.


Coffee hair rinse

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

If you love coffee, you’ll be glad to know that it can also be used as a natural remedy to increase hair volume. Applying coffee to your hair boosts growth and strengthens hair cells. In addition to this, it improves blood circulation on the scalp, resulting in faster hair growth. Mix some coffee powder and water to form a paste. Apply it to your hair evenly and rinse it off. Rinse with this solution once a week. P.S. This rinse softens your hair, too, so that’s an added benefit!


Onion juice

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

If there were ever a book written on how to increase hair volume, it would be incomplete without onion juice. Filled with nutrients that can nourish the hair follicles, add shine to hair, increase hair volume and thicken hair, onion juice is an excellent natural remedy for lustrous locks. To improve hair health and increase hair volume, peel and chop 2-3 onions. Squeeze them or use a juicer to extract its juice. You can add a few drops of essential oil if you like. Apply the juice to the hair roots and let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo and condition it afterward.


Methi DIY hair spray

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

Rich in vitamins A, K, C, and folic acid, methi revives damaged hair and prevents hair loss. Its iron and protein content induces hair growth and thickens the hair. In a cup of water, soak 2 tablespoons of methi and leave it overnight. Next morning, drain the water and store it in a spray can. Spray this on your scalp and rinse it after 20 minutes.


Aloe vera gel

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

One of the most valuable gifts from nature, aloe vera continues to dazzle us with its numerous benefits. Apart from the gazillion ways in which it helps the skin and hair, aloe vera gel can also help to increase hair volume. Abundant in vitamins and minerals, aloe vera gel prevents hair breakage and improves its elasticity, thus making it strong. Proteolytic enzymes in aloe vera promote the growth of healthy and thick hair. Simply scoop out some gel from the Lakmé 9to5 Naturale Aloe Aqua Gel. Apply the gel on the scalp or hair and let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash it off and condition your hair afterward.


What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

What Foods to Eat To Increase Hair Volume?

Apart from trying natural home remedies, eating the right foods can also improve the health of your hair. After all, what you eat reflects externally. Here are some foods that you must include in your diet to increase hair volume:

  • Eggs
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Fatty fish
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Greek yoghurt
  • Lentils

Nisha Shah

Written by

Writer, avid reader and a lover of all things creative is the best way to describe Nisha Shah! Equipped with a degree in Journalism and a certification in Digital Marketing, she brings a distinct perspective to her writing. With experience in content covering a range of topics from health to travel and beauty to food, she manages to bring something interesting and yet easy-to-read for her readers. When she's not writing, you can find her curled up with a book and coffee, bingeing on movies and TV shows, experimenting with photography and lots more!


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