How To Say No To Pushy Parlours

Written by Shweta Vepa VyasSep 16, 2023
How to say no to pushy parlours
So, you’re finally at the salon to get that much-needed hair-trim. Except that by the time it’s over, the stylist has not only done away with your hair, but half a month’s salary as well.

Now, that’s not a very pretty picture, is it? Well, the next time the friendly neighbourhood parlour ‘aunty’ tries to talk you into doing something you don’t want, remember our sound advice.

Inch by inch

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From our collective experience at Team BB, we can vouch for the fact that there have been very few haircuts after which we haven’t cried. What is the deal with stylists who don’t believe that an inch is an inch? Picture this scenario: You go for a trim, but get convinced to “go short” because it enhances your face, or ears or whatever. Worse yet, a fringe! So learn from our mistakes! If a hair trim is why you’re visiting the parlour, be firm and hold your ground! Remember, when it comes to your hair, an inch is an inch is an inch!  


Don’t get blown away

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Allow us to recall a rather traumatic experience a colleague of ours had recently. On her visit to the salon for her regular trim, she assumed that a blow dry is a part of the deal, which is usually the case, right? Wrong! A particularly enthusiastic rookie thought that a voluminous blow out would be more becoming. While the effect of the regular blow dry and this blow out were the same on her hair, the effect on her pocket was twice as much! So, if your stylist asks you how you would like your hair to be dried, it wouldn’t hurt to ask if it’s a part of the deal. You are paying for it, remember?  


Not-so-happy feet

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Have you ever been a victim of getting talked into a manicure that you didn’t want? Here’s a true story—we know of someone who got convinced by her pedicurist that the same shade on her fingernails would be just divine. You do know how this story ends, don’t you?  That coat of nail polish cost almost as much as a manicure. Except, the lady in question didn’t actually get a manicure. We’re pretty sure, she could’ve bought the same shade for the price she paid. (That, and two others.) So, don’t be embarrassed to ask. Or do what our friend did. Get your cut from the tip! 


Products much

Products much

We know all those fancy products lined on gleaming shelves can be hard to resist. But, hold it! Don’t get lured just yet. How often has your parlour recommended a particular product after a hair cut or a colour job? Here’s what you should consider next time. Go for a new product only if you’ve undergone a chemical treatment. Remember, don’t fix something that doesn’t need to be fixed. So, if your existing products are working for you, don’t even bother. Also, it would help to do some research on the prices. Lastly, if it’s something you are tempted to buy, opt for a smaller bottle as opposed to the probable life-time supply your parlour is trying to sell you!

So, there you have it from the beauty experts. Now that you’re a changed person, the next time you’re at the parlour for a trim, don’t come back with a bob and a lifetime supply of shampoo. Remember, your parlour ‘aunty’ is neither going to live with that hairdo nor pay for it!

Shweta Vepa Vyas

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