9 Hair Packs For Dandruff-Free Scalp And Healthy Hair

Written by Kadambari SrivastavaNov 30, 2023
9 Hair Packs For Dandruff-Free Scalp And Healthy Hair

Dandruff is truly a pain. Those white flakes can shed any time and embarrass you, especially if you are fond of wearing dark clothes. But, it is not just about those dry flakes and skin. It is also about the itchiness that comes with it. If severe, dandruff can be really annoying. If you ever wondered what it is that can really work, we are here to tell you that a hair pack for dandruff really helps.

Most of the ingredients that you need to prep up a hair pack for dandruff are in your kitchen already. They are natural and nourishing, and ensure that the sebum levels on the scalp are balanced enough to do away with the dry flakes. So, without further ado, let’s jump into the topic and know all about these miracle brews that can totally do away with the irritating and scratchy thing that dandruff is.


What are the causes of dandruff

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Before we start with the best hair packs for dandruff, let us just take a look at what causes it. To uproot any problem, it is essential to understand what causes it in the first place. Only then you’d be able to understand what ingredients and solutions to pick to get rid of this problem.

Some of the common causes of dandruff are:

  • Oily and irritated scalp
  • Unclean scalp and hair
  • Sensitive scalp (due to hair products)
  • Contracting the fungus due to too much oil on the scalp
  • Skin allergies such as eczema
  • Dry scalp skin


Now that we know the causes, let’s move on to the remedies. Finding a hair pack for dandruff is not difficult. Mostly, you can make all the hair packs at home, quite easily.


1. Yogurt, honey and lemon hair pack

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Lemon juice is rich in citric acid, which is instrumental in balancing the pH levels of the scalp and hair. Yogurt, on the other hand, repairs the damage and imparts shine and health to the hair. This hair pack helps get rid of dandruff and all the itchiness and dryness that comes along with it.


  • Take about half a cup of yogurt
  • Take around one tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Take one tablespoon of honey
  • Mix it all to create a smooth paste
  • Apply on scalp and hair completely and let sit for half an hour
  • Rinse using a sulfate-free shampoo
  • Use this twice a week for best results


2. Green tea and peppermint essential oil hair pack

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Green tea and peppermint oil, both are effective when it comes to getting rid of dandruff. They both expel the dandruff-causing bacteria and cool and soothe the scalp in the process, at the same time helping hair regain its lost lustre. A hair pack for dandruff using these two ingredients is indeed beneficial.


  • Take one cup of green tea
  • Add one spoon of white vinegar
  • Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil
  • Whisk it all together
  • Wash your hair and then pour this mix along the length of it
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes while massaging it through the scalp
  • Wash using a mild shampoo


3. Hibiscus and fenugreek hair pack

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Do you know that hibiscus is one of the oldest remedies when it comes to treating dandruff? Additionally, fenugreek is a potent hair growth agent that also helps in treating dandruff. Together, they form a great hair pack.


  • Take around 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in water
  • Add half a cup of yogurt
  • Add 10 hibiscus leaves
  • Blend all the three together to form a smooth paste
  • Apply this all over the scalp and down the hair lengths
  • Leave it on for half an hour
  • Wash hair with a mild shampoo


4. Coconut oil therapy

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

When nothing works or if you are too busy to seek other treatments, go for the good-old coconut oil therapy. Studies have shown that coconut oil is beneficial in getting rid of mild dandruff. It is known to get inside the hair shaft and repair it from within, at the same time also healing the scalp enough to soothe it.


  • Warm around 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • Massage it on the scalp and through the hair length for around 15 minutes
  • Leave it on for another 30 minutes
  • Wash off using a mild shampoo
  • Do this oil therapy twice a week for best results


5. Avocado hair mask

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Apart from its topical benefits, avocado is also great when it comes to using it as a hair pack for dandruff. Avocados are a rich source of antioxidants and are amazing when it comes to getting rid of dandruff. Add olive oil to any hair care routine and you have soft and shiny tresses at hand.


  • Take one ripe avocado and mash it
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey to it
  • Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Mix it all to form a uniform paste
  • Apply this all over hair and scalp and let sit for 45 minutes
  • Wash off using a mild shampoo


6. Banana, honey and lemon hair pack

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Another natural hair pack for dandruff is the one made by adding three nutritious and effective ingredients; banana, honey and lemon. Banana is good for clearing dandruff and also nourishes dry and dull hair. On the other hand, olive oil makes the hair soft and makes it stronger. Lemon juice cuts through the dandruff and clears it, at the same time maintaining the pH levels of the scalp.


  • Mash 2 ripe bananas
  • Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Mix it all to form a paste
  • Apply it on scalp and hair
  • Let it sit for half an hour
  • Wash hair using a mild shampoo


7. Fenugreek and lemon juice hair pack

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Lemon juice is known to act as an astringent and work on maintaining the pH level of the scalp, getting rid of the flakiness. At the same time, fenugreek is known to be a rich agent that works actively on treating dandruff.


  • Take 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Take 4 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in water
  • Blend it all together to form a paste
  • Apply it on scalp and hair
  • Let it sit for half an hour
  • Wash hair using a mild shampoo


8. Egg and yogurt hair pack

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Another fabulous recipe for an anti-dandruff hair mask is that of egg and yogurt. We all know the benefits of these two for hair, separately. While egg provides nourishment and shine to your mane, yogurt gives it the much needed moisture. Together, they tackle dandruff.


  • Take 1 whole egg (normal hair) / 2 whole egg whites (oily hair) / 2 whole egg yolks (dry hair)
  • Whatever option you choose from above, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to it
  • Take 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Take 1 cup of yogurt
  • Mix all to form a paste
  • Apply the mask on your scalp and hair
  • Leave it on for around 20 minutes
  • Wash off using a mild shampoo


9. Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Egg yolk and olive oil hair pack

Not just egg whites, egg yolks are also quite beneficial when it comes to getting rid of dandruff and making hair soft and shiny. Olive oil, of course, is instrumental in maintaining scalp health and imparting shine to your mane.


  • Take 2 egg yolks
  • Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Mix it together to form a uniform paste
  • Apply it from root to tip, massaging on the scalp and strands
  • Leave it on for an hour
  • Wash hair using a mild shampoo

Kadambari Srivastava

Written by

A finance professional by degree who jumped into the world of content creation 7 years ago, Kadambari is a pro at spinning words, whether it's beauty, business, entertainment, or anything else. Better separate your 'its' from 'it's' when she is around. When she isn't writing, she can be seen with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other, keeping up with her book challenge of the year.


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