Diy Hair Masks & Scrubs To Relieve An Itchy Scalp

Written by Lopa KAug 28, 2024
DIY Hair Masks & Scrubs to Relieve an Itchy Scalp

Tired of that maddening itch on your scalp? We’ve got the perfect natural remedies to help you out. From the best hair masks for dandruff to soothing scrubs – these DIY remedies will help your scalp feel fresh and happy in no time. So, grab your gloves and bowls, and let’s get mixing! 

All About Itchy Scalps 

Before we get started, let’s take a quick look at some itchy scalp causes. Understanding these will help you see how natural remedies work to promote scalp health. Some of the most common causes for an itchy scalp include: 

  • A dry, flaky scalp 

  • Yeast overgrowth leading to dandruff issues 

  • Product buildup and lack of thorough cleansing 

  • Allergic reactions to haircare and styling products 

  • Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis 

Hair Masks and Scrubs Come to the Rescue 

With that in mind, a good hair mask for dandruff and itchy scalps should always be moisturising – we don’t want anything that’s going to dry out the scalp any further. Below are some soothing concoctions that you may want to try. 

honey hair mask

Aloe Vera and Tea Tree Oil Mask  

Aloe vera benefits dry and flaky scalps by moisturising and soothing the itchiness. Along with scalp moisture, you can also combat dandruff by using tea tree oil as an antifungal treatment. 

To make the DIY hair mask, take two tablespoons of aloe gel, five drops of tea tree oil and mix in a bowl. Apply the paste to your scalp and leave it for 20 minutes before rinsing off. 

Coconut Oil and Lemon Scrub  

To remove dandruff flakes, try this DIY scrub that’s perfect for scalp exfoliation. Coconut oil benefits dry scalps because it’s super moisturising. Meanwhile, lemon benefits the scalp’s pH levels by balancing it. It also gently exfoliates, getting rid of buildup, excess oil and flakes. 

Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to two tablespoons of coconut oil and mix. Apply it to your scalp and gently massage. After 10 to 15 minutes, wash it off. 

honey hair mask

Honey and Yogurt Mask  

In this natural mask, honey benefits an itchy scalp by locking in moisture. Yogurt, on the other hand, is rich in probiotics and lactic acid. So, this mask is bound to leave your hair soft and shiny. 

To make this, you need two tablespoons of honey and yogurt each. Mix and apply to your scalp and hair. Let it sit for 30 minutes before you wash it off with a mild shampoo. 

Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar Scrub  

Potential baking soda benefits for the scalp include gentle exfoliation and absorption of excess sebum. As for apple cider vinegar, apart from being antifungal in nature, it is known to help with the scalp’s pH balance and ensures it is not too dry or oily. 

All you need for this DIY scalp scrub is two tablespoons of baking soda and apple cider vinegar each. Mix well to form a paste and apply to your scalp. Massage gently for five minutes or so and then wash it off thoroughly. 

Apart from turning to a DIY scrub or hair mask for dandruff, you could also try...  

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Avocado and Banana Mask  

This mask is loaded with hydrating ingredients, making it perfect for a dry, itchy scalp. Avocado is full of vitamins and healthy fats that aid in scalp moisture. Meanwhile, banana benefits the hair by softening and strengthening it. 

For this homemade hair mask, mash an avocado and banana together. Apply it to your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes before washing it off. 

Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub  

Finally, we get to the holy grail of homemade hair mask for dandruff. Olive oil is nutrient rich and provides long lasting hydration. And then there’s sugar which is a natural exfoliant. It unclogs pores and gets rid of dead skin cells so that your hair can grow stronger. 

And don’t worry, this scalp scrub recipe is as easy as they come. Mix two tablespoons of sugar and olive oil each. Apply it to your scalp and gently massage. After 10 to 15 minutes, wash it off well. 

So, next time your scalp feels itchy, remember these tips and mix up one of these natural solutions for a healthy scalp. 

Lopa K

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