How To Remove Makeup Correctly

Written by Anushka ShahOct 10, 2022
How to Remove Makeup Correctly

The Basics of Removing Make Up

We’ve all been there after a long day of work or after that iconic night out, staring at the mirror, wondering - do I really need to take off my makeup? And while the answer is always YES, it is undoubtedly a tedious task. I mean, who wants to take out the energy to remove all that concealer, pigmented lipstick and kohl that never seems to leave your undereyes.  However, worry not as we make the job a tad bit easier by sharing with the best tips on how to remove makeup at home easily.

It’s no secret that removing your makeup before calling it a night is the golden rule of skincare because if you don't take off the layers before tucking yourself in, the results will be shocking. We’re talking nasty breakouts that even your full coverage concealer can’t help. Also, it can accelerate your skin’s ageing and make it look dull and dry; a combination no one likes. But also, removing your makeup doesn’t just include water and a napkin's coarse swipe, you have to be gentle and use all the right products - so you give your skin the nourishment it needs while taking away all the residue.

How to Remove Makeup: The Facts

So, hop onto the good habit and learn all about how to remove your makeup properly and thoroughly. Scroll down for all the A1 tips and tricks.


1. Always tie your hair behind

FAQs about How to Remove Makeup

Although this seems like a complete no-brainer, tying your hair back in a ponytail or bun is an extremely important first step of how to remove makeup. When you tie your hair in a ponytail, you ensure that all your pesky strands are away from your face, neck and your hairline is completely exposed. This is essential because your hairline and neck is where a lot of makeup residue tends to build-up. Ensure you don’t overlook  these areas while removing makeup for ignorance here can lead to zits. 


2. Start with a cleansing wipe or oil

FAQs about How to Remove Makeup

When thinking of how to remove makeup, note that it’s a process and requires skill. Which is why, your everyday face wash can’t do it. So, get cleaning the right way - take a cotton pad and pour some micellar water, makeup remover or cleansing milk on it. Use products specifically made to remove makeup as they get rid of heavy-duty makeup without harming your skin. Also, use a cotton pad instead of the cotton ball as it doesn’t have loose fibres that might irritate your eye. Glide the cotton pad all over your face to wipe the makeup off.  And if you’re thinking what’s the world-class magic potion, well we love the  Simple Kind To Skin Micellar Cleansing Water.  It not only removes your makeup but also gets rid of the impurities, dirt, and cleanses your pores thoroughly.


3. Always start with your lips

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When it comes to effectively removing makeup, it is important that you follow steps. You should always start with removing makeup from the lips. Irrespective of whether you’re wearing a bright red or a nude pink, removing lipstick is messy business and a single swipe can lead to all those clumsy tumbles. And that’s exactly why you need to start with your lips.


4. Next up, eyes

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They say, the drama is the eyes and when it comes to removing your makeup like a pro - the drama is really in the eyes. The skin around your eyes is extremely thin and delicate, and this is something you need to keep in mind when removing eye makeup. Hence you need to be super careful and not rub your eyes. For best results, soak a cotton pad in eye makeup remover, and simply hold and pat it onto the eyes for a few moments. This is a great trick to soften and loosen up the makeup so you can softly wipe it away. Be gentle as you swipe your eyeshadow, mascara or kohl-lined eyes.

PS: It may look like you have a massive blackeye but just remember you’re only saving yourself from a massive pimple beating!


5. Get to the tricky parts

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And while you think the biggest leap has been made; the trickiest task is of how to remove your makeup is still on the to-do. And it happens to be that one thing that most of us forget - the elusive edges and corners of the face, like the corner of the eye, sides of nose, lips and jawline are the areas where the bacteria tend to build-up. Use a Q-tip and make sure you properly clean the neglected parts of your face until the last speck of makeup is gone. After all, that’s how you get a goodnight’s sleep.


6. Finish with the base

FAQs about How to Remove Makeup

The last step of how to remove your makeup should be to take off the base - which we beginners often do first, ugh. For starters apply your makeup remover all over your face, then take it off using a cotton pad and rinse with a face wash and water. And viola, there you go, all clean and neat!


7. Cleanse with a face wash

FAQs about How to Remove Makeup

Now that you have cleaned every last bit of makeup off your face, it’s time to cleanse your face with a cleanser or a face wash to get rid of the residue of oil-based products. Use your everyday product to wash your face till it’s squeaky clean.

We recommended using Simple Kind To Skin Refreshing Facial Wash to cleanse your skin. It thoroughly washes away make-up, dirt and other impurities, and leaves your skin feeling clean, fresh, and revived. Once done, pat dry your skin and viola, there you are neat, clean and ready for the next step.


8. Moisturising is essential

FAQs about How to Remove Makeup

After you’ve banished the remaining oil and dirt from your face, always follow up with a moisturiser - an unforgettable rule of how to remove makeup. Wonder why? The process of makeup removal strips your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry, stretchy and flaky. Pamper your skin with a hydrating moisturiser as soon as you are done with removing your makeup. We love  Simple Kind To Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser  - not to cakey on the skin, it provides the perfect amount of softness without overloading your pores.  Massage it gently into your skin and don’t neglect the hidden areas - the sides of your nose, the creases of your neck and all the others. And wow, you’ve mustard the how to remove your makeup like a boss manual, plus you’ve gone the extra mile with the moisturising mania.


FAQs about How to Remove Makeup

FAQs about How to Remove Makeup

Q1 Why is it important to remove makeup at the end of the day?

A1. If you wish to wake up with glowy, plump and clean skin, then the first step is to make sure you take off makeup the night before. When you sleep with makeup on, your skin tends to become dry and can cause several skin issues like irritation, acne and even wrinkles (due to collagen breakdown).

Furthermore, your eye makeup can end up causing broken eyelashes, eye infections or irritation, if not cleaned off properly at night. So, to avoid any of these traumas and to make sure your skin remains healthy in general, we strongly suggest removing makeup before you hit the bed at night.

Q2 Why is it difficult to remove some makeup off your skin?

A2. You must have noticed that it is super difficult to get all your eye makeup off in one go. The sensitive and delicate skin around your eyes is naturally thinner than the rest of your face, thus making it tough to clean off your eye makeup. This area needs you to be more careful and less harsh when you’re trying to clean the makeup off.

Q3 What removes makeup fast?

A3. Micellar water is one of the quickest ways to remove makeup. If you don’t have it, then coconut oil works pretty quickly as well. 

Q4 How to remove waterproof mascara?

A4. To remove waterproof mascara, reach out for the olive oil in your dressing cabinet. It’s a pretty good makeup remover that will cleanse your eye area without the use of harsh chemicals. Just dab some oil onto a reusable makeup remover pad, gently press on your lashes, and wipe them. Rinse off with warm water.

Anushka Shah

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