7 Makeup Brushes You Need In Your Arsenal

Written by Kavya D'SouzaOct 05, 2020
Imagine walking in to a store to buy your makeup kit essentials only to find yourself absolutely clueless about what you really need. With the number of options on display and the lack of any substantial information alongside, you are not to be blamed. We believe that an artist is only as good as his tools and hence, we have compiled a list of seven makeup brushes you need in your arsenal to create that flawless look. So take notes and add these to your kit, pronto!

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Eyeshadow Brush
While most eyeshadow palettes come packed with a set of eyeshadow brushes, we suggest investing in a premium quality eyeshadow brush to apply the shadow all over your eyelids for an intense effect.

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Blending Brush
This little brush is your secret weapon to applying and effortlessly blending eyeshadow along the natural crease line. ‘Blend - blend - blend’ should be your mantra when it comes to using this makeup brush.

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Eyeliner Brush
When it’s time to enhance your look with dramatic eyes, you need the best tools by your side. With short, stiff bristles, an eyeliner brush is your go-to option to effortlessly apply liquid and cream texture eyeliners along your lash line.

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Foundation Brush
While you might trust your fingers to do the trick when it comes to applying liquid foundation, the secret to a streak-free and an au natural finish lies in the use of the right foundation brush.

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Powder Brush
It’s all about setting the look with this brush. The fluffy bristles of a powder brush will give you a smooth and diffused finish that will ensure that your foundation lasts all day long sans any touch-ups.

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Blush Brush
Always envied contoured and sharply defined cheekbones? The angled bristles of a blush brush make contouring a breeze and you are just one step away from recreating the chiseled look in a matter of minutes.

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Lip Brush
While applying lipsticks directly might seem a whole lot easier, once you work your way around the lip brush and see the absolutely smudge-free pout packed with pigments that you can achieve, we are certain, you will be compelled to think differently!

Kavya D'Souza

Written by

Words and fashion; both exist for a reason, inexplicable. Kavya D'Souza perseveres to string the two together at Streak Hue Fall. A fashion and beauty blogger and stylist, Streak Hue Fall is Kavya's online fashion and beauty diary that features her personal style, beauty hauls, makeup favourites and at times simply thoughts and musings. You will usually find her reading, weaving poetry, styling or Instagraming when she's not blogging.

Twitter Handle: @KavyaDsouza
FB: www.facebook.com/StreakHueFall
Blog Link: www.streakhuefall.com

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