8 Questions With Shraddha Kapoor

Written by Team BBNov 11, 2016
At the launch of the Lakmé Lip Love range, we found ourselves seated across the lovely Shraddha Kapoor, Lakmé’s new brand ambassador. And what do you when you’re in a room with one of Bollywood’s upcoming starlets? You pull out your Dictaphone as fast as your hands can find it in your big bag and do a rapid fire Q&A. Here goes…
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  1. You obviously have a busy schedule, what is the one thing you do regularly to take care of your skin... 
    I make sure that I drink a lot of water throughout the day and wash my face very often.
  2. What's your everyday beauty routine like?
    I think the most important part of my beauty routine is moisturisation. I don’t really spend time doing facials and peels because I don’t have the time.
  3. Lakmé Lip Love is... 
    My new love.
  4. If you were a Lakmé Lip Love flavour you'd be...
    Strawberry, because it’s the best shade!
  5. Name one actress you associate with the Lakmé Lip Love flavours…  
    Cherry – Priyanka Chopra because she’s always seems to me like the “cherry on the top” for every movie or song.
    Strawberry – Me.
    Peach – Kareena Kapoor Khan, because she has such peachy skin.
    Vanilla – I’m going to mention an actor since even the guys can use Vanilla – It’d be Ranbir Kapoor.
  6. What's the best skincare advice that you've ever been given…
    The best skincare advice has come to me from my family and I follow it too the tee as much as possible. Namely, get enough sleep, drink a lot of water and load up on those green veggies.
  7. The 5 things you won’t leave home without…
    My strawberry tinted Lakmé Lip Love, my phone, water, wallet and wet wipes.
  8. When in doubt...
    … Do you have to pout? 

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