Guilty Of Skipping Back Exfoliation? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

Written by Anjali AgarwalSep 16, 2023
Guilty of skipping back exfoliation? Here’s why you shouldn’t

Do you neglect your back while cleansing and exfoliating? Well, you shouldn’t. And the fact that ‘you can’t reach it’ isn’t a reason good enough for not doing it. You probably don’t care about the skin on your back until you have to rock a backless dress or your friend points out your bacne, but you need to take back exfoliation seriously and make it a part of your weekly skincare routine. You need a reason? We’ll give you five.

Here are five reasons why not exfoliating your back could be the worst thing you are doing and why you absolutely need to make back exfoliation a part of your shower routine.  


1. Keeps bacne in check

5. Keeps skin infection at bay

Your hair products like shampoo, conditioner, serums and hairspray come in direct contact with your back and land up clogging the pores, which results in acne. Plus, sweat, dandruff and more also contribute to acne on back. Exfoliate to unclog the pores and keep your back free from acne.


2. Scrubs off dead skin

5. Keeps skin infection at bay

Just like your face and underarms, the skin on your back can also darken and become uneven and dull due to accumulation of dead skin cells on it. To keep your back looking flawless and bright, make sure you exfoliate with a body scrub once a week. 


3. Prevents rash and irritation

5. Keeps skin infection at bay

Your back is one of the areas on your body that is prone to excessive sweating. Working out, anxiety and stress as well as high temperatures (brace yourself for the upcoming summer season) can cause sweating, which could lead to you rash, irritation and redness. Cleanse the sweat and grime off your back with a scrub to make sure you have squeaky clean skin at all times. 


4. Removes blemishes and flakiness

5. Keeps skin infection at bay

Talking about that backless dress, you don’t want to show up with a flaky back full of spots and blemishes, do you? Exfoliating the skin on your back ensures it is smooth and soft, not to mention, spotless. 


5. Keeps skin infection at bay

5. Keeps skin infection at bay

The itching on your back could be a sign that you are dealing with fungal, bacterial or other skin infections. Waxing and friction could also give you a skin infection called folliculitis which looks like acne but isn’t and it’s bad (read: painful AF). You can avoid these pesky skin infections by scrubbing your back regularly.

Anjali Agarwal

Written by

Author at BeBeautiful.


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