Hung Over? Here Are 5 Simple Hacks To Avoid Wearing That Hangover On Your Face…

Written by Sukriti RijhsinghaniSep 16, 2023
Hung over? Here are 5 simple hacks to avoid wearing that hangover on your face…

As much as you loved that party last night, has the hangover got you down?? Apart from the weird headache, grogginess and nauseated feeling, is your skin looks terrible too? And to top it all, you have an early morning Monday meeting?

Well, here are some makeup hacks to avoid wearing that hangover on your face...


Morning ritual

Eye Makeup

Go ahead with your morning ritual but get enough sleep. Get enough sleep so you wake up feeling fresh and rejuvenated after a fun night. Once you have woken up, splash your face with cold water to tighten the pores. Don’t drink coffee, instead drink green tea. Green tea is full of antioxidants that will help bring back the glow to your face.

Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. If need be dissolve a Disprin in water to get rid of the headache and eat a light breakfast.



Eye Makeup

Alcohol can make you feel dehydrated and can even dry out your skin. Apply a hydrating moisturiser generously on your face to give it a soothing feel. This will nourish your skin and make it look better than the hangover skin. Moisturising becomes important for your hung over face, so make sure you do it properly.


De-puff your eyes

Eye Makeup

To avoid those puffy eyes from being seen by everyone go for chilled tea bags. Place them on your eyes to get rid of those dark circles. You can even apply under-eye creams for de-puffing them.


Highlight your lips

Eye Makeup

Lipstick is one of the best ways to take the attention away from those tired eyes. Apply a nice bright lipstick to brighten your day!


Eye Makeup

Eye Makeup

Don’t apply black Kajal, instead go for white or nude eyeliner on your lower waterline to look fresh and awake. Don’t apply too much of eye makeup on a hung over morning.

Sukriti Rijhsinghani

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