How To Deal With Cracked Skin This Winter

Written by Team BBSep 16, 2023
How to deal with cracked skin  this winter

Winter signals the coming of the holiday season, with lots of snow and fun, but it also brings with it low temperatures that cause your skin to turn dry and cracked. Dealing with cracked skin in the winters is probably every person's nightmare. Here are a few tips that can help you celebrate this holiday season with smooth and soft skin.

  1. Moisturise, moisturise and moisturise some more. This is perhaps the only mantra that can help you sustain through the winters without getting cracked skin. Moisturising helps in restoring your skin’s lost moisture and prevents any further loss. With the variety of products available in the beauty market as of today, you can easily turn your skincare routine into a moisturising one so as to get flawlessly smooth skin.
  2. Moisturise immediately after you’ve showered or washed your hands. Not moisturising as soon as you get out of the water causes your skin to turn dry, eventually leading to the cracking of your skin. Apply moisturisers as soon as you’ve dried yourself as this helps in better absorption of the product and prevents dryness.
  3. Vaseline can be your skin’s lifesaver in the winters. Dab some Vaseline onto your lips every time you feel them getting dry. This will help in keeping them soft, pink and plump. Your lips have really delicate tissues and tend to get cracked easily. Exfoliate them regularly so as to avoid them from peeling or splitting. 
  4. Start using crack healing creams to fix cracked heels and other areas of your feet. Your legs tend to become extremely dry in the winters and hence, it is essential that you apply some crack healing cream to them every night before going to bed.

Cracked skin

5.Carry a bottle of hand lotion in your bag wherever you go. Apply some onto your palms and to the elbow region every time they feel a bit dry in order to prevent the skin from cracking.

6.Do not ignore cracks as they tend to act as a gateway to the inner layers of your skin. The intrusion of bacteria and dirt into your skin’s layers can cause some serious skin infections or diseases.

7.Exfoliate your skin at least once every two weeks as this helps remove the layer of dead skin cells and dry skin that accumulates in the winters. This layer of dry and dead skin blocks the moisture from getting to the inner layers, thereby further worsening the dryness problem.

8.Start using body oil to help hydrate your skin to the core. Body oil penetrates deep inside your dermis and provides you with protection from the dryness.

9.Wear cotton clothes to protect your skin from drying up. You can wear your woollen jackets or sweaters over your cotton clothes.

10.Use mild detergents and washing powders to wash your clothes as the remnants of these products often tend to get attached to your clothes and can cause your skin to dry up. Detergents and washing powders also contain certain chemicals which may cause skin infections or lead to some skin irritation.

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