How To Find The Perfect Night Cream For Your Skin

Written by Sanya HamdaniSep 16, 2023
How to find the perfect night cream for your skin

Your skin repairs and reconstructs damaged cells every night while you sleep peacefully. Therefore, applying night cream before sleeping aids your skin in this repairing process. But with so many options to choose from how do you select one that will work the best for you?

Finding the perfect night cream for your skin can be quite a tough task. Why worry when you have Team BB? Read on to find out how we’ve just made your life easier.


Consider you skin type

Consider your age

This is one of the first factors to consider while choosing any skin care product, unless the product mentions ‘suitable for all skin types’.

Dry skin: No matter what time of the year dry skin always needs to be moisturised to make it look soft and supple. You can opt for Glycerine or oil based nigh creams to add a surge of moisture.


Oil skin:

Consider your age

Oily skin is prone to acne and breakouts therefore invest in non-comedogenic products, meaning skin care products that do not clog your pores. Pond’s Gold Radiance Youthful Night Repair Cream is a non-comedogenic formula with real gold microparticles that absorbs into the skin easily and addresses all signs of aging. Regular use will also decrease pigmentation and uneven skin tone.

Sensitive skin:

Eliminate artificially fragranced products and invest in a light weight soothing formula that will have calming effect on your skin.


Consider your age

Consider your age

Age is another factor you need to consider while selecting a night cream. What works for your skin may not work for your Mom’s skin.

In your 20s: Opt for products that are natural ingredients based, such as honey, tea tree oil, Jojoba oil, green tea, etc.

In your 30s: As you age your skin depends on external factors to repair itself. At this age you start noticing the signs of aging therefore anti-oxidants, retinols and gold particles are recommended.

In your 40s and above: At this age your pores appear larger and your skin starts to sag. Look for vitamin enriched creams and retinols that help reduce wrinkles by decreasing collagen breakdown.

Sanya Hamdani

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Sanya Hamdani is a skincare enthusiast and lipstick hoarder, she truly believes no two red lipsticks look exactly alike. With a Master's degree in Communication & Journalism and 5+ years of digital writing experience up her sleeve, Sanya has some of the biggest beauty experts in the country on her speed dial. When she's not swatching products or writing about the latest trends in beauty, you will find her watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. or cooking up a storm in the kitchen.


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