How To Prevent Tanning

Written by Team BBOct 04, 2018
No matter how hard you try, when you live in a country like India, there’s no avoiding the Sun. We get it 8 out of 12 months in a year and even when it’s the monsoon, it’s hard to avoid. To cut a long story short, we’re caught in the same dilemma as you are—wondering about what all we can do apart from slathering on sunscreen to defend ourselves against the sun. After a bit of research, here is what we know…

Understanding UVA and UVB rays


Before we give out the secret to prevent tanning, you must know how UVA and UVB rays can affect your skin. UVA is ultraviolet radiation that has a wavelength of 400-320nm while UVB is between 320-290nm; the shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy of radiation. Both these radiations have the power to damage the surface epidermal layers of the skin since they alter the cells’ DNA. To lessen the ill effects of the sun, you must have an understanding of SPF—Sun Protection Factor. SPF is nothing but the measurement of the number of times your skin reddens due to the harmful sun rays with sunscreen and without sunscreen. If your skin normally burns after 10 minutes in the sun, after you apply a sunscreen with an SPF 15, it will ensure that you can stay in the sun without burning for almost 150 minutes (15 times longer). However, this doesn’t mean that you buy a sunscreen with an extremely high SPF and expect to stay in the sun for as long as you want. Now that you know the basics of UVA, UVB and SPF, we tell you how to reduce tanning—the worst effect of these harmful rays.


Avoid stepping out during peak time


While morning sunshine can give you your dose of Vitamin D, avoid stepping out between 10 am to 4pm as that is when the sun rays are strongest. They play a major role in tanning and sunburn, especially during summer months. If you must step out, wear a light fabric like rayon or even georgette that will keep you cool and also minimise the impact of the sun.


Sunglasses and hat for cover


The skin around your eyes, neck and T-zone is extra sensitive to the sun and needs utmost protection. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses that offer 100% protection against UV rays work best. So make sure you wear both even if you’re stepping out after 4pm as even the slightest of rays can majorly harm your skin.


Don’t forget SPF


It goes without saying that if you’re living in a tropical country like India; you’re going to become BFFs with your SPF sunscreen. Our favourite pick is the Lakmé 9to5 Super Sunscreen SPF 50 PA+++ that comes in two variants, Hydrating and Mattifying to suit dry or oily skin types. We rely on the Vaseline Healthy White SPF 24 for our body and face as it works wonders as a skin protectant at all times. We must caution you that ignoring the skin on your body, a lazy girl’s favourite trick, will soon age the skin on your body much faster than anticipated. Another word of advice; remember to follow the same routine throughout the year as it is a myth that you only require protectant in the summers.




If you are out and about in the sun, your sunscreen is not going to last more than a few hours. Make sure you reapply sunscreen to ensure utmost protection for your skin. Even people who constantly work in front of computer screens should follow this practice daily to make your skin appear even and brighter and most importantly free of a tan and sun damage.

So girls, let’s make these promises to our skin and gear up to achieve a flawless, an even skin tone at all times. Not too much to demand if you love your skin, right?

Team BB

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