Postpartum Skincare: Dermatologists Dr. O.p. Singh And Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta Suggest Skin Care Tips For New Mommies

Written by Fatema HabibAug 02, 2024
Postpartum skincare: Dermatologists Dr. O.P. Singh and Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta suggest skin care tips for new mommies

The post-pregnancy phase can be life-changing. You not only have to devote all your time to the baby but also, deal with hormonal fluctuations, sleepless nights and little to no rest. All of this can leave you looking far from a million dollars. And you keep wondering when you will look like your old self once again. Fret not, new mommies! We’ve got dermatologists Dr. O.P. Singh and Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta to help you care for your skin post-pregnancy.

Post-delivery, the skin on your face and body undergoes  many changes. While catering to the needs of your little one is top priority, you must never forget to give yourself some TLC, especially if you want to revive that healthy glow. 

Here’s all you need to know about caring for your skin after delivery.

skin care

Dr. (Prof) O.P. Singh, M.B.B.S, DVD, MD Delhi talks about some common post-pregnancy face skin problems in women and its causes...

What are some of the common post-pregnancy face skin problems visible in women and the causes?

Hormonal changes post childbirth can lead to pigmentation around the mouth, cheeks and forehead, also known as Melasma. Second most occurring condition that arises in the post-pregnancy phase is acne. This happens because hormonal imbalance elevates progesterone level which leads to increased secretion from oil glands and clogged pores.

skin care

Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta, MD (Skin , V.D & Leprosy ) Professor of Dermatology Barabanki, Lucknow gives his expert advice on skin care regimen to follow post pregnancy...

What kind of skincare regimen is recommended for young mothers to deal with problems such as stretch marks and Melasma?

A good quality moisturiser containing hyaluronic acid can decrease the formation of stretch marks if applied regularly. Sunscreen and demelanizing cream can help treat hyperpigmentation.

Fatema Habib

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Author at BeBeautiful

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