Skincare Habits You Need To Develop Once You Turn 25

Written by Team BBSep 16, 2023
Skincare habits you need to develop once you turn 25

A lot changes in your mid-twenties. Your life is a chaotic mess; your hormones are changing because of the stress, even your body is changing—especially your skin. The process of aging too generally begins from after twenty five hence inculcating good skincare habits during these crucial years lay a foundation for the coming years.

With a combination of right products and some dedication to your skin, you can retain the youthful glow of your twenties.  These are the skincare habits you need to develop after twenty five…


1. Get enough sleep

5. Watch your diet

It isn't called beauty sleep for no reason. There is no makeup that can fix the damage from a lack of a good night's sleep. A good six to eight hours of sleep regenerates the skin cells, produces enough collagen to keep skin aging at bay and also keeps the dullness away. Sounds good right?


2. Serum to the rescue post 25

5. Watch your diet

As you grow older your skin starts becoming thinner and drier. Investing in your skin with a good serum can go a long way after the age of twenty five. Serums add a boost of nourishment to your skin and provide the necessary vitamins which can, in turn, give you a plumper hydrated skin. Looking for recommendations? We swear by Ponds Gold Radiance Precious Youth Serum. Infused with gold particles, retinol, and pro-vitamin B3, this serum works into the skin from deep within and helps keep you that youthful glow.


3. Don't ditch the sunscreen

5. Watch your diet

Do you really need the sunscreen? Yes! Unprotected sun exposure breaks down your skin's collagen which leads to sagging, premature aging, and produces melanin which causes uneven skin tone. Yikes! Look for a sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30. You can also invest in a product with a built-in sunscreen like Lakmé Sun Compact to get in the SPF. Formulated with SPF 40 this matte compact powder has a high-coverage layer which helps in blocking harmful UVA and UVB sun rays.


4. Moisturise your skin daily

5. Watch your diet

As you grow older your sweat and oil glands begin to wind down which is why most of us experience a dry skin. This is why adding moisture back to the skin becomes of prime importance to keep your skin looking fresh and supple. Give your skin a dose of intense moisture and sun protection with Ponds Gold Radiance Youthful Glow Day Cream which contains real gold particles and SPF PA 15++.


5. Watch your diet

5. Watch your diet

They say you are what you eat. Ever noticed how you ate a pizza for dinner and woke up the next morning with a zit? Ladies, indulging in a lot of junk food will eventually show on your skin. The key is to strike the right balance. So while you gorge on the delectable pizzas, you must also include skin-friendly foods like nuts, avocados, citric fruits and salmon in your daily diet.

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