So, Exactly How Does The Fitzpatrick Skin Scale Work?

Written by Harshitha PrabhakarSep 16, 2023
So, exactly how does the Fitzpatrick Skin Scale work?

Normal, oily, combination, sensitive and dry. These are the skin types you are familiar with, right? What if we told you that there is another way of classifying skin types, called the Fitzpatrick method? This method classifies your skin based on its sensitivity when exposed to sunlight. This method helps you understand your skin and its needs better.

Understanding what your Fitzpatrick skin type is will not only help you choose your products better, but will also allow you to customise your skin treatments and facials better.

To find out what type you are you can take the test here but first you need to know more about the classifications, read here...


What is the Fitzpatrick skin scale?

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

The Fitzpatrick skin scale was developed by a dermatologist, Thomas Fitzpatrick in 1975. This was a method to classify human skin colour on the basis of how it responds to varying levels of sun exposure. This helps you to understand the risks your skin has with UV exposure, tanning and other skin conditions and take precautions accordingly.


So how many classifications are there?

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

There are 6 types and they are simply named type 1 through type 6.


Fitzpatrick Skin Type 1

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

The common characteristics are –

Skin: Very pale ivory skin

Eyes: light blue/grey/green

Hair: red or blonde

How their skin reacts to the sun: Always peels and burns, never tans and they usually have freckles.


Fitzpatrick Skin Type 2

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

The common characteristics are –

Skin: pale to fair

Eyes: blue/green/grey

Hair: blonde

How their skin reacts to the sun: often burns and peels, sometime tans and sometimes they have freckles.


Fitzpatrick Skin Type 3

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

The common characteristics are –

Skin: fair to beige with warm undertones

Eyes: brown/hazel

Hair: light brown or deep blonde

How their skin reacts to the sun: sometimes their skin tans and sometimes it burns.


Fitzpatrick Skin Type 4

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

The common characteristics are –

Skin: light brown or olive tones

Eyes: dark brown

Hair: dark brown

How their skin reacts to the sun: their skin rarely burns, tans often and does not freckle.


Fitzpatrick Skin Type 5

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

The common characteristics are –

Skin: brown or dark brown

Eyes: dark brown

Hair: dark brown to black

How their skin reacts to the sun: always tans and rarely burns


Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

Fitzpatrick Skin Type 6

The common characteristics are –

Skin: deepest brown to black

Eyes: deep brown or black

Hair: black

How their skin reacts to the sun: never burns and always tans into a dark brown

Image courtesy: Pinterest

Harshitha Prabhakar

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Perpetually has OCD. Obsessive contouring disorder. Her idea of dressing to walk the dog includes cleanse-tone-moisturise-serum-primer-sunscreen-concealer-foundation-contour-powder-highlighter-bronzer-eyebrows-eyes. (Catches breath) She loves perfectly constructed sentences as much as she loves perfectly blended contours. Enough said.

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