Bff Now Stands For Bacterial Friends Forever, And Your Skin Needs One

Written by Harshitha PrabhakarSep 16, 2023
BFF now stands for bacterial friends forever, and your skin needs one

You may squirm at the thought of having a sea of bacteria on your face, but that is the truth. Skin naturally has a microbiome, or a collection of bacteria, that is a mix of the good kind and the bad. The good bacteria help fight infections, improve immunity, maintain skin’s pH levels and keep your skin plump. The trick is to maintain the balance in such a way that that there are more of the good kind, than the bad. Make sense so far?

This is one of the reasons why probiotic infused skincare products are having their moment in the sun and everyone is scurrying to get their hands on said products. If you are not yet convinced, read on...


Use probiotic skin products if you have sensitive skin

Use probiotic skincare to prevent acne

The good bacteria help maintain and strengthen the skin’s barrier, and this is important because when the barrier is compromised, it allows the bad bacteria to enter the skin and cause acne. Also, once the barrier is weakened, it takes a long while to heal itself if you have sensitive skin. This healing process is speeded up with the use of probiotic infused skincare.


Use probiotic skincare to protect yourself against pollution

Use probiotic skincare to prevent acne

Pollution and the free radicals that come with it have the ability to rob your skin of its radiance and make your skin look dull and show signs of stress and ageing. Probiotic skincare helps neutralise the free radicals and reduce the damage done to collagen and the healthy skin cells, by acting as a shield against pollutants that aggravate the skin.


Use probiotic skincare to prevent acne

Use probiotic skincare to prevent acne

Lactobacillus, a type of bacteria found in yoghurt is effective at treating acne. So by using probiotic skincare, you are making sure the good kind of bacteria are being fed and growing and the bad, acne causing bacteria are being starved. Using antibacterial products kills all the bacteria there is, and this is an ambiguous approach as your skin and body need the good bacteria to survive.

Harshitha Prabhakar

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Perpetually has OCD. Obsessive contouring disorder. Her idea of dressing to walk the dog includes cleanse-tone-moisturise-serum-primer-sunscreen-concealer-foundation-contour-powder-highlighter-bronzer-eyebrows-eyes. (Catches breath) She loves perfectly constructed sentences as much as she loves perfectly blended contours. Enough said.

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