Yogasanas For Glowing Skin

Written by Girija NaiksatamSep 28, 2018
So you already know about the benefits of yoga but you’d rather head to a spa instead, right? Yeah, we know how you feel, but ever since we got our hands on a superb yoga manual that revealed the best asanas for super smooth skin, we’ve changed our minds. Try these poses to get that healthy, glowing skin!

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Bharadvajasana (Twisted Seat Pose)

The most basic of all postures, all you need to do for this one is to stand with your hands to the side and concentrate on your breath. As you breathe in, raise your hands above your head and bring them down attempting to touch your palms to the floor without bending your knees (you’ll get there with practice.) To release the pose, bring your hands over your head once again as you pull your body back upwards. Hold this pose for 30 seconds.


Dhanurasan (Bow Pose)

Bharadvajasana (Twisted Seat Pose)

Lie on your stomach with your hands at your side. Lift your legs up so that your heels are close to your buttocks. Then lift your hands and hold both your ankles on either side. Rest on your abdomen and try to pull your ankles as much as possible. (Your body now looks like a bow, hence the name.) Since this asana directly affects digestion, which in turns effects our overall health and skin, it is extremely beneficial for good skin.
Hold this pose for: 30 seconds


Sheetali Pranayam

Bharadvajasana (Twisted Seat Pose)

Pranayam, one of the simplest yoga techniques, involves rhythmic breathing by concentrating on one’s breath. To practice Sheetali pranyam, curl your tongue such that the sides are curled towards the centre, stick it out and take a deep breath from your mouth. Hold the breath for about five seconds, shut your mouth and breathe out from your nostrils. Repeat this 15 to 20 times. Since breath is central to our very existence, regular practice of pranayama helps to rid our body of toxins—physical, mental and emotional.


Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Bharadvajasana (Twisted Seat Pose)

As the name suggests, Balasana takes us back to our roots and is one of the primary poses in yoga. Sit on the floor in Vajrasana such that your knees are bent and your heels touch your buttocks. Take a deep breath and as you exhale bring your body downwards such that your forehead touches the floor, hands stretched straight out in front of you and palms on the floor. As you breathe in, come back up with your hands to your side. This exercise stretches you back and improves blood circulation to your face, your brain as well as your chest. Hold this pose for 15 seconds at a time.


Bharadvajasana (Twisted Seat Pose)

Bharadvajasana (Twisted Seat Pose)

Sit cross-legged on a mat and keep your hands by your sides. As you breathe in, place your right hand on your left thigh and twist your upper torso to the left. Place your left hand on the ground and use it as support. As you exhale, bring your body back to normal pose. Repeat the same on the right side. Twists like these are beneficial for the central nervous system and responsible for smooth blood flow through the entire body. Hold this pose for 15 seconds.

Girija Naiksatam

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Who knew so much of everything [Read: Explosive Content] could be neatly packaged, disguised and nestled into something so petite, huh? That's what you get when you meet me. Self-proclaimed queen of all things DIY, you’ll always find me making things. If you're looking for some real senseless laughs, advice that sticks and a no holds barred reality check, I’m your girl.

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