4 Home Remedies To Prevent Stretch Marks

Written by Amani NagdaSep 16, 2023
4 home remedies to prevent stretch marks
While stretch marks are natural and nothing to be ashamed of, it doesn’t hurt to take preventive measures. Whether you’re a new mom or someone whose lost or put on weight, stretch marks are a natural occurrence. However, you can resort to some home remedies as preventive measures. Read on to get the lowdown.

Aloe vera

Sugar scrub

Aloe vera contains vital enzymes, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids that help boost the skin’s elasticity. Aloe can be used as a preventive measure for stretch marks. Apply fresh aloe vera pulp on your skin everyday to reduce the appearance of the marks.


Olive oil

Sugar scrub

Olive oil or extra virgin olive oil should be slightly heated and rubbed on the affected areas. This will also help existing stretch marks lighten. Since olive oil is rich in nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants, it is very effective and will give your skin a smooth finish. Do this twice a day for best results.


Sugar scrub

Sugar scrub

A good exfoliator will help you get rid of dead skin, eventually lightening your stretch marks. All you need for this scrub is: 1 tablespoon raw sugar, a few drops of almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients together and massage onto the stretch mark-prone areas. Wash off with warm water. You’ll see that your skin looks brighter and smoother.

Amani Nagda

Written by

Author at BeBeautiful.


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