A Crash Course On How To Get Rid Of Pimples And Acne Overnight

Written by Karan DalviSep 16, 2023
A Crash Course on How to Get Rid of Pimples And Acne Overnight

If you asked most women what their most dreaded beauty-related (or even otherwise) nightmare was, they’d probably pick one in which they were waking up to a pimple on their face, especially a day before an important official or social meet. Quite a few of you might have even faced such a dilemma already and felt helpless trying to get that zit off of your face. Well, if you’ve been wondering as to how to get rid of pimples and acne overnight, fret not for we’ve found a solution to your worst beauty nightmare and luckily, it is not rocket science either.


What causes pimples on face?

FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

Before we take a look at some of the solutions for acne out there, it is important that you first understand what acne and pimples are and why they suddenly appear out of nowhere. Plainly put, pimples are lesions or inflammations of the skin that occur when the oil glands (better known as sebaceous glands) in your skin are affected by bacteria such as P. acnes and S. epidermidis (short for Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis), leading to that region of your skin swelling up. The sebaceous glands in your skin (except for on your palms and soles) are known to secrete a wax-like substance called sebum which essentially helps maintain the oil balance of your skin, keeping your skin healthy and preventing it from getting too dry.

Any sort of irritation to or abnormality in the functioning of your sebaceous glands can lead to the occurrence of acne and pimples. In fact, there is a multitude of reasons that could cause pimples to develop on your skin, and especially on your face. Right from bacterial growth and dead skin build-up to hormonal imbalances and unhealthy habits (both dietary and beauty-related), or even due to hereditary reasons (yeah, blame your genes for those stubborn zits!), pimples can appear due to a host of different reasons, and at any point of time in your life (it’s an oft-stated myth that you cannot get pimples to post your adolescence).

FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

There are many ways to get rid of acne overnight. Since we already know that the most common reason behind the occurrence of pimples is acne-causing bacteria, using a cleanser on your face from time to time can help you go a long way in controlling any potential damage that could lead to the development of acne and breakouts on your skin.


Chemical Solutions to the Pimple Problem

FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

Apart from such preventive measures, there are also quite a few quick-fix solutions that can help you get rid of acne overnight. Chemical solutions such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or benzoyl peroxide can help you get rid of acne overnight like it’s no big deal. You could even take recourse to use a crushed aspirin (make a paste using three parts aspirin and one part water and apply it on your face like a mask) since it works just as well, being a derivative of salicylic acid itself.

However, the frequent use of chemical solutions on your skin can, in fact, have an effect contrary to the one desired, leading to allergic reactions or skin irritation (toothpaste are a big no-no too!). The best way to get rid of pimples and acne overnight, we believe, would be to take recourse to natural remedies, especially since most of these natural products also have additional benefits like moisturizing your skin and healing acne scars. To help you along this route, we’ve compiled a list of natural remedies that could be used to get rid of acne overnight, or at least as quickly as is possible the natural way.


Use tea tree oil

FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

There are quite a few essential oils out there in the market that can help your skin fight acne-causing bacteria. Perhaps, the most effective amongst them all is tea tree oil, extracted from the leaves of the tree Melaleuca alternifolia. Tea tree oil is extremely potent when it comes to treating pimples (as effective as benzoyl peroxide, albeit without the adverse side effects).

How to use: Given its potency, it is recommended that you mix the oil with a carrier (usually one part oil and nine parts water) before applying it on the problem areas, especially if you have sensitive skin.

There are also quite a few other essential oils such as those of cinnamon, rose, lavender, clove and basil which are known to work just as well in treating your acne problems.


Apply green tea

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While the Green Tea trend has been slowly growing on people across the world, most of them are only aware of the dietary benefits that the tea provides. However, green tea also contains a lot of flavonoids and tannins, as well as the antioxidant epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), all three of which help reduce the inflammation caused by acne. The antioxidant ECGC is also known to keep the production of sebum from your glands under control so that your face does not get greasy enough for the acne to develop.

How to use: Prepare green tea and let it cool down, then soak a cotton ball in it, remove excess water and gently apply on the acne. Repeat twice a day.


Multani mitti mask

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Apart from applying essential oils or green tea, masks made from natural substances like turmeric, Multani mitti (Fuller’s earth), neem (dried and crushed), aloe vera extract, or a combination of honey and cinnamon (honey, on its own, works quite well too) have been known to effectively get rid of acne overnight as well.

How to use: Just make a paste using ingredients like use rose water, lemon juice and Fuller’s earth and apply it over the affected areas, letting it dry. Wash off the paste using water after a while and apply a moisturizer if you feel your skin is becoming too dry.


Cold compress

FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

Another trick that helps in getting rid of acne overnight is cold compress. If you have inflammation and redness around the pimple, applying ice will reduce the pain and redness as well as accelerate the healing process.

How to use: Simply wrap a piece of ice in a clean cotton cloth and gently press on the acne. Repeat twice a day for quicker results.


Apply honey

FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

Honey has superior healing and nourishing properties, when applied to the skin honey offers a wide range of benefits, right from premature ageing to dryness. But did you know the benefits of honey can also be employed to treat pimples overnight?

How to use: After cleansing your face thoroughly at night, take a small amount of honey in a spoon and apply on your acne using a Q-tip. This will prevent further spread of bacteria. 


Use aloe vera gel

FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

Most of us are aware of the many benefits of aloe vera for skin and hair. It has soothing, calming and healing properties which is why it is added to so many skincare products. Applying pure aloe vera gel on acne and pimples can accelerate the healing process and may even reduce inflammation overnight.

How to use: Using clean hands, scoop out pure aloe pulp from the leaf, then rub it gently all over the face or only on problem areas. Let it stay overnight and wash off in the morning.


FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

FAQs about How to get rid of pimples and acne

1) Can toothpaste heal pimple overnight?

A. Toothpaste can be extremely drying for the skin, applying it on a pimple may reduce inflammation but it will dry out the skin and leave an ugly mark behind.

2) Does ice help with pimples?

A. Yes, wrapping a cube of ice and applying it to a pimple can reduce redness and inflammation. Do this twice a day and then apply a spot treatment to help heal the acne faster.

3) How can I clear pimples on my face?

A. Start by following a skincare routine for acne prone skin, and use natural ingredients like aloe vera, green tea, honey, tea tree oil. If you still don't see any difference we recommend consulting a dermatologist who will get to the root of the problem.


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Karan Dalvi

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Author at BeBeautiful.

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