Knowing Your Beauty Ingredients Could Help You Fix Those Dark Underarms

Written by Harshitha PrabhakarSep 16, 2023
Knowing your beauty ingredients could help you fix those dark underarms

Summers are meant for going swimming and flaunting those floral dresses and eating ice golas. If your dark underarms are preventing you from wearing your favourite summery dresses, help is at hand! There are certain ingredients that help you treat and improve the appearance of your dark underarms. Look for products that contain these ingredients if you want to see an improvement in the pigmentation on your underarms.

ingredients to get rid of dark underarms

Why do you see pigmentation in the underarm area?

Darkening of the skin in your underarms can be because of various reasons. Medical conditions, medications or obesity can all contribute to this. Certain other things like shaving, waxing and bleaching your underarms also contribute to the darkening of your underarms.

ingredients to get rid of dark underarms

What ingredients can help reduce the appearance of dark underarms?

ingredients to get rid of dark underarms

Vitamins B3 – This is also known as niacinamide and it is known for its potent ability to fade dark spots, lighten darkened skin and treat hyperpigmentation. It inhibits the transfer of melanin to the surface of the skin, thus preventing the skin from looking dark. It remains stable when exposed to heat and light and is therefore used in many skincare products. It also does not have any harsh side-effects on the skin, making it a safe ingredient to use.

ingredients to get rid of dark underarms

Vitamin E – This ingredient helps fade discoloration and improve the elasticity of your skin. It is a rich source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties as well. It acts as a great moisturising agent and helps keep your skin looking plump and soft. Another useful effect of vitamin E is that it is vital to the absorption of vitamin A. Vitamin A is found in a lot of skin-lightening products, and without vitamin E, the body does not absorb vitamin A, thus rendering the product ineffective.

ingredients to get rid of dark underarms

Glycerine – This is a natural ingredient and is a pro at treating skin conditions. It nourishes skin and is particularly helpful in the colder months. It is an emollient that helps keep your skin looking healthy and moisturised. It is also used in the treatment of wounds and other skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Especially after a trip to the salon for waxing, a little glycerine will calm the irritated skin.

Wondering where to find all these ingredients? You don’t have to look high and low because we’ve searched it for you! The all new Rexona Whitening Roll-On contains glycerine, vitamin B3 plus Sunflower seed oil to repair damaged underarm skin and reduce darkening. 

Harshitha Prabhakar

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Perpetually has OCD. Obsessive contouring disorder. Her idea of dressing to walk the dog includes cleanse-tone-moisturise-serum-primer-sunscreen-concealer-foundation-contour-powder-highlighter-bronzer-eyebrows-eyes. (Catches breath) She loves perfectly constructed sentences as much as she loves perfectly blended contours. Enough said.

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