Bb Trend Alert—Slush Facials

Written by Delia AlmeidaSep 19, 2018
BB Trend Alert—Slush Facials
All of us envy the dreamy radiant skin that celebrities possess. It’s easy to be strayed in the jargon of skin care treatments out there. Would you imagine using a nail polish remover aka acetone or dry ice aka liquid nitrogen on your face to clear out acne and multiple skin problems? Well, you now have ‘slush’ or ‘slushy’ facials that promise to cure common skin problems like acne, melasma, eczema, rosacea and sun spots. Not curious yet? Well, the slush facial is officially introduced by style and beauty icons Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s dermatologist Christie Kidd, as they allegedly swear by it. Here’s more on the facial...

So why is it called a slush facial?

How does it work?

Scientifically, when dry ice is dipped in acetone it forms a slushy texture. The best part of the slush facial procedure is that it is achieved in a short time and does not leave your face swollen like a tomato. The facial starts off by gently exfoliating the skin using dry ice wrapped in a gauze and then dipped in acetone. It not only exfoliates the skin in an oddly cool fashion, pun intended, but also decreases bacteria, calms down the redness and inflammation caused due to breakouts. Now, who wouldn’t want that? Having said that, the slush facial treatment should only be done under a licensed professional. Do not try this at home!


How does it work?

How does it work?

It’s best recommended for oily, acne prone skin as it dries the skin out. Exactly why it helps in closing pores, tightening the skin and controlling the sebum production. The slush facial might be slightly harsh for really sensitive skin because of the over drying caused due to the use of acetone. Acetone is basically a strong astringent that helps in removing oils and dirt from the skin. It’s like the superhero of topical disinfectants.

On the other hand, liquid nitrogen is known to be used in the treatment called Cryosurgery that is performed to remove warts or lesions, varicose, lumps, bumps or any such growth on the skin. Because of its cold nature it can freeze any living tissue that it comes in contact with. The colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid nitrogen offers several skin benefits and even supposedly helps in the elimination of pre- cancer cells.

So, there you have it, the newest solution for skin problems—Slush facial treatment!

Delia Almeida

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