3 Steam Facials To Deal With Oily Skin

Written by Vidhi GandhiJul 23, 2019

Monsoons are always a tough time for those of us with oily skin. Pimples, acne and scars get worse during the season making it difficult for you to look fresh and feel confident all the time. We suggest you go all natural by taking the herbal steam route to combat oily skin care problems during the season. Here are a few face care tips for oily skin and acne prone skin that you can practice twice a week...


For acne prone skin

For a problematic T-zone

Herbs required: Turmeric, green tea powder and cinnamon

What to do: Boil a litre of water and add all the herbs to it.
Turn off the flame ensuring it’s not too hot (that could open and enlarge your pores) and use a towel over your head as you steam your face.

Benefits: Green tea contains antioxidants that make your skin smooth as well as help to reduce sunburn and tan. Turmeric is known to be an antibiotic that helps heal acne by fighting acne producing bacteria. Cinnamon has antiseptic, astringent, antifungal and anti-viral properties as well as the ability to reach deep into your pores and control excess production of oil.


For oily skin

For a problematic T-zone

Herbs required: Lavender oil or leaves, peppermint leaves, basil leaves

What to do: Boil a litre of water and add all the herbs to it while it’s still boiling. Don’t turn off the flame, just place a thick towel on your head and steam.

Benefits: Apart from the fact that lavender oil is known to be a calming agent, it also helps to control oil production. Peppermint leaves soothe your skin and cool it down from the inside while basil, which is rich in Vitamin E, helps the skin glow by controlling the appearance of redness, rashes and acne.


For a problematic T-zone

For a problematic T-zone

Herbs required: Witch hazel solution (available at all medical stores), fenugreek leaves, rose water or rose petals

What to do: Boil 1 litre of water and add all herbs to it. Keep flame slow as you steam.

Benefits: Witch hazel is a natural astringent that helps reduce blackheads and repair enlarged pores whereas fenugreek leaves contain Vitamin C and Vitamin A that help moisturise your skin and reduce blemishes while controlling excess oil. Rose water helps your skin look rejuvenated.

Post steam

Don’t forget to splash your face with cold water and seal your skin with a moisturiser meant for your skin type. Another must-do for the monsoon, wash your face with cold water every 2-3 hours.

Vidhi Gandhi

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Hey guys. This is Vidhi Gandhi- A style junkie and blogger! Fashion, style and coffee keeps me sane and I am mad about shopping. I could go shop in any part of the world and never get bored of it. Apart from the usual fashion activities I am addicted to my boyfriend who thinks I am fabulous and could rule the world! Though he thinks I am a bit too much but I know he madly admires me.

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