5 Reasons Why You Lose More Hair In The Summers

Written by Cassandra PereiraDec 17, 2018
5 reasons why you lose more hair in the summers

The sun, the waves, and the warm weather—the summer months are truly a time of bliss. Unfortunately, along with summer fun comes hair damage, as the sun, chlorine, and seawater take quite a toll on your locks. The result of this damage is dry, brittle hair that’s prone to breakage, which is why you’ve probably noticed that your hair falls quite a bit in the summer. And so, in order to prevent what’s supposed to be the best time of the year from becoming the worst, it’s necessary to know exactly why you lose hair in the summer, so you’re able to do some damage-control. What follows are six things that could cause your hair to fall out in the warmer months.


1. The sun

4. Wet brushing

We tend to bake our heads when we’re out under the summer sun— the main cause behind summer hair loss. The UV rays of the sun can do a number on your hair by sucking out every trace of moisture in it, and make your mane dull, dry, and discolored. In addition to this, dry hair is more brittle, which is why it breaks easily. In order to prevent this, you could protect your hair with a large hat or heat protectant.

2. Chlorine

In summer, our hair is exposed to chemicals in swimming pools such as chlorine, a little too often, which can cause quite a bit of damage to your hair. This is because, chlorine contains chemical properties that dry out the shaft of your hair and strip off the sebum, which can result in it becoming dull, brittle, coarse, and prone to breakage. And so, to prevent this from happening, you should apply some olive or coconut oil to your hair to coat it and keep it moisturized.

3. Dandruff

Hot weather is known to aggravate dandruff and cause a flare-up, as higher temperatures are ideal for the dandruff-causing microbe, malassezia globossa, to thrive. If left untreated, dandruff can make your scalp itchy and inflamed, that temporary hair loss occurs. In order to avoid this, it’s vital to use an anti-dandruff shampoo in the summer months.


4. Wet brushing

4. Wet brushing

Our hair makes contact with water a little more than usual in the summer, as we’re either in a pool or ocean, or are showering more often. And so, when your locks are dense with water, it’s best to avoid tying it up or brushing it, as your hair tends to be more susceptible to breakage when it’s wet. It’s best to run your fingers through your hair to detangle it. Also invest in a good shampoo such as the Dove Hair Therapy Hairfall Rescue Shampoo that is formulated with nutrilock actives that strengthen your roots and reduce hair fall further.

5. Air conditioning

Air conditioners are probably your hair’s worst enemy. And sadly, we tend to use them a lot more in summer. Air conditioners pull out the moisture from your locks and leave them dry, resulting in them breaking off. To avoid this from happening, you could try using leave-in conditioner, or applying hydrating hair masks to your hair about once a week.

Cassandra Pereira

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