Every Kind Of Peel Off Mask You Need For All Your Skin Concerns

Written by Chandni GhoshApr 17, 2019
Remember that time you applied glue on your hands and had this unexplainable pleasure peeling it off? Guess a peel off mask is equivalent to that joy! After all, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your skin get a complete cleanse by peeling off a mask. Don’t know about you but for us, DIY peel off masks are a major part of our weekend ‘gram. Remember that your prime ingredient for a peel off mask needs to be gelatin because of its consistency and of course, due to the fact that it helps replenish the collagen in your skin. Want to jump on the peel off mask bandwagon too? Scroll down as we tell you how to make it at home…

If you want to get rid of <a href="https://www.bebeautiful.in/articles/how-to-prep-your-acne-prone-skin-for-long-lasting-makeup">acne</a> and blackheads…

If you want supple and soft skin…

Your hero ingredient here needs to be activated charcoal because not only is charcoal a detoxifying agent for the skin but it literally pulls out all the toxins from your skin thereby clearing your pores—just what you need in order to have clear skin.

What you need: ½ teaspoon unflavoured gelatin, 1 tablespoon water and ½ teaspoon activated charcoal powder.

How to make this mask: Mix gelatin and activated charcoal powder in a bowl. Add slightly warm water to this and mix it. Apply this charcoal peel off mask on your face and remove once it’s dry.


If you want brighter looking skin…

If you want supple and soft skin…

Remember that when it comes to skin brightening, Vitamin C will do it for you. One of the best sources of that is an orange. Besides, the fruit contains antioxidants that have anti-ageing powers. You know you want this peel off mask already, don’t you?

What you need: 2 tablespoons unflavoured gelatin, 4 tablespoons orange juice.

How to make this mask: Mix the gelatin and orange juice. Double boil this and make sure you fill one fourth of the vessel below with water. Heat till the gelatin powder dissolves. Let it cool once you’ve removed it and then apply it on your face. Peel off for glowing skin and pure joy!


If you want supple and soft skin…

If you want supple and soft skin…

If you’ve been feeling like your skin is rather dry and lackluster, it can be because your skin lacks moisture. Give it a dose of milk, which contains lactic acid. Lactic acid is a humectant, which helps hydrate your skin cells.

What you need: 2 tablespoons on milk, 1 tablespoon unflavoured gelatin

How to make this mask: Mix the two ingredients, heat it a wee bit and apply it to your face once it cools down. Enjoy peeling off once it’s dry!

Chandni Ghosh

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I have this superpower of buying everything and anything related to cats because I strongly believe that cats are greater than human beings. Amidst all of these thoughts, I take time out to write about food, fitness and beauty - something that makes my job so much fun!

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