Bb Review—The Pond’s Skin Advisor Live Application

Written by Vaishnavi ThakurJun 28, 2022
BB Review—The POND’s Skin Advisor Live Application

A few days ago, Pond’s launched its pocket dermatology mobile application called ‘Skin Advisor Live’. Given its name, we were obviously intrigued and excited to try it, because we’re all suckers for advice on skin and how to make it better, aren’t we? Our skin is constantly changing, thanks to external factors like weather, pollution etc. and internal factors like hormones, diet etc.

‘Skin Advisor Live’ aims to change the way we perceive our skin. It aims to help us get to know our skin better and take the necessary action when required. It’s the virtual dermat your skin needs.


Why do we love it?


The Skin Advisor Live app has an extremely user-friendly interface that’s super easy to use even if you might be the kind who is apprehensive of downloading yet another complicated app. It talks to you like a buddy and explains the hard, technical aspects of skincare.

The app prompts you to take a makeup-free selfie and analyses your face to give you a detailed breakdown of your problem areas–pimples, spots, wrinkles, uneven skin tone etc.


Why should you download it?


We all have a certain picture of what our skin should look like; a goal that we set for it. The Skin Advisor App is your first step towards achieving this goal. Using the application will show you how your transformed skin should look and recommend programs to achieve the goal.

On the basis of the program recommended to you, the app will suggest products that are best suited to tackle your skin problems. For example, when we tried the app, it detected spots and pigmentation and suggested we incorporate the Pond's Pure White Anti-Pollution + Purity Face Wash in our CTM routine.

It also suggested a stepwise breakdown a robust skincare routine for the morning and evening along with different food types that could be beneficial for our skin.


Our last thoughts…


You know how we have that go-to friend in our lives who is also our most trusted advisor too? Yes, the Skin Advisor Live app is that friend your skin needs! We recommend you try it out yourself to know!

Download the Pond’s Skin Advisor Live app on iOS and Google Play for Android.

Vaishnavi Thakur

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