Monica Dogra Launches Her Super Cool Clothing Line And We Can’t Wait To Buy It

Written by Faye RemediosAug 21, 2024
Monica Dogra launches her super cool clothing line and we can’t wait to buy it
She is known for her boho chic, rockerish style and her enviable ability to make an effortless fashion statement while being absolutely comfortable in her own skin. Now one half of indie electro rock band Shaa'ir + Func, actor, television host and writer, Monica Dogra is all set to take on yet another role – as a designer. Her collection of affordable clothes has just launched on and with a line of outfits that show as much range as that unforgettable voice, we can’t wait to wear her designs. She talks to BeBEAUTIFUL about how she wants to change the world though her art, why we won’t spot any sparkly bits in her wardrobe and why denim is just like wine.

Monica Dogra

What made you try your hand at designing?

It was a result of an informal conversation with Anjana Sharma (COO and Fashion Director, Stylista) at the Grazia Young Fashion Awards two years ago. She absolutely loved my look and complimented me on it. This got us chatting and I happened to mention that someday I want to create a collection that is a reflection of my style. That’s when Anjana said, "If you're serious about this, we should talk!" and the rest as they say, is history!

Monica Dogra

Tell us about your collection? How much of your own personal style does it capture?

My collection for Stylista is very pragmatic, but when you zoom out you can see how it all fits together. My goal was to create flattering silhouettes for all body types that also reflect freedom and a certain punk energy that I've witnessed in the strong expressive women of the new India.  I did not want to create pieces that are super statements; rather I wanted the wearer to be the statement. For me, I love layering, I love clothes that can be transformed, that can be worn in different ways. That’s the essence of my collection: it’s breezy, it’s definitely suitable for Indian weather, and can absolutely be worn for the festive season that kicks off right after my launch (hint, hint!). That is also a goal, because when I go to a festival, I see some pretty inspiring style.  I hope to see some of my clothes at these festivals!

Monica Dogra

Who is it aimed at and how affordable is it?

The collection is very affordable; everything on is priced between ₹2,300 all the way up to ₹6,000, and I would love for all women to be seen in them!

Monica Dogra

Tell us about your personal style journey?

I’m really lucky that I’ve always known what I want to do. I've always known that I want to create and that I want to change the world through my art. All of my art has this sort of quality: at times it’s punk, at times it’s retro, or it’s bohemian, and even rock ‘n roll. I think that my style subconsciously reflects how pragmatic I am, even though it’s not something that I set out to do. It’s just there. Also, I travel a lot. That’s a big influence. When you step out of your comfort zone, you discover a lot about who you are and subsequently also discover new textiles, prints and ways people express themselves and that sort of bleeds into you.

Monica Dogra

One fashion tip you follow? And one you break?

Keep up with the trends but be willing to break them.

Monica Dogra

When it comes to fashion, what do you love experimenting with?

I love denim. It lasts forever and ages like wine.

Monica Dogra

What are the fashion items you stay away from?

I don't like sparkles.  I will never like sparkles.

Monica Dogra

Tell us about this video you have done on your collection with Stylista. Does it marry your two loves –singing and designing?

It marries poetry and movement and highlights some muses in Mumbai.  I love women.  I love strong women. I love women willing to be fragile, but who are still strong enough to stand on their own.  The video showcases that.

Monica Dogra

One item of clothing you’d like to put your spin on?

I put my own spin on everything.  It's actually a problem.

Monica Dogra

Who would you like to dress?

I don't know.  I don’t think that way.  I'm not really a designer-designer that way.  I want my clothes to be worn by ALL!

Monica Dogra

Designers you wear?

I wear 11.11, HUEMN, Bodice by Ruchika Sachdeva, Anaikka by Kanika Saluja Choudhry and Shift by Nimish Shah.

Monica Dogra

What bores you the most about fashion?

Tight, short dresses, stilettos and blowouts, though the "fashion police" love this look – I find it awful.

Faye Remedios

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My family which includes my beagle Ruff, books and time with close friends is what is most important to me. And when you don’t find me with my nose buried in a book, you will probably see me shopping in a mall. As someone who is well read, outgoing and a wellness and beauty enthusiast by nature, I have the ability to get things done efficiently (or so I like to think). With that said, adding a dash of creativity, a pinch of style and a whole lot of focus, is my mantra to bringing out very readable stories.

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