5 Easy And Effective Exercises To Get Rid Of Your Double Chin

Written by Chethana Prakasan22nd Jun 2018
5 easy and effective exercises to get rid of your double chin
While we all know that exercise and eating right are essential to keep our body healthy, not everyone understands the importance of facial exercises. With time, your skin loses elasticity and collagen, which can lead to sagging around your chin and neck. The good news is you can get a sharp jawline and a toned face with some targeted exercises. Read on for some easy and effective facial exercises to get rid of your double chin.

Kiss the ceiling

Jaw jut

What causes double chin and how to avoid it?   

Sustaining a double chin is often related to weight gain - but it isn’t the only culprit. After all, you could be the fittest person on the planet - with a great diet and perfect gym routine – and still have double chin fat. 

Often, a double chin is caused by genetics and age. As you grow older, fat settles under your chin and amplifies your jowls, causing a fuller-face look.  

If you’re looking for ways to reduce a double chin in a week, first consider your lifestyle. Bad posture and ‘tech neck’ – caused by constantly looking down at your laptop or phone - may lead to chin rolls. Skipping meals, ordering fast-food and eating inconsistently can also lead to weight gain and loss of skin elasticity. Both issues can increase your chances of developing chin fat. 

But not all is lost. If you desire a jawline sharp enough to cut through paper, there are many double chin exercises you can try at home.  


Stick out your tongue

Jaw jut

5 Exercises to reduce chin fat   

Kiss the ceiling   

If you’re wondering how kissing the ceiling - which you probably can’t even reach, anyway - is going to reduce double chin, hear us out. This exercise is highly effective, as the simple act of looking-up engages chin muscles and helps to burn fat.  

Keep your shoulders and back straight, tilt your head back and look up. Pucker your lips and feel the skin around your neck and chin tighten. Hold for 15 seconds and then relax. Repeat this movement 15 times daily and you’ll spot results in just a week.  


Tongue press

Jaw jut

Reduce double chin by yoga: stick out your tongue!  

Maybe little kids are onto something…sticking out your tongue has some great chin-defining benefits! Flashing your tongue is part of a yoga pose called simhasana, which can strengthen chin muscles and get rid of facial fat.  

To execute, simply keep your back upright and look straight ahead. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue as far as you can. Hold for five seconds and then relax. You can repeat this exercise up to ten times a day.  


The O

Jaw jut

Tongue press   

Say goodbye to stubborn chin fat with this easy exercise. Simply straighten your back and shoulders, tilt your head back and look up. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth until you feel your chin tighten. Hold for five seconds and then relax. Complete three sets of five repetitions per day. 


Jaw jut

Jaw jut

The ‘O’   

Naturally reduce facial fat by making shapes with your mouth. Straighten your back and shoulders, tilt your head upwards and keep your lips tightly closed. Form an ‘O’ shape with your lips and hold for ten seconds. Do two sets of ten per day.   

Chethana Prakasan

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