6 Ways To Perk Up Your Mood On Gloomy Monday

Written by Khubi Amin AhmedOct 25, 2018
We’ve all had those bad hair days when things just don’t seem alright, and we’ve all woken up on the wrong side of the bed and gone through the day feeling low; and if lady luck isn’t on our side, then both those things find us on a Monday morning! With a packed week ahead of us, it’s hard but really important to keep calm and not lose that cool. We get you, girls! That’s why here are some tried and tested measures to keep those Monday blues away and perk up your mood…

Dark chocolate to the rescue

De-clutter your personal space

Chocolate in all its forms, is an instant mood lifter and they don’t say that for nothing. Depletion in secretion of serotonin is said to play a role in depression and dark chocolate in the right measure promotes the release of endorphins that increase the secretion of serotonin. Also, science proves that chocolate helps decrease the release of the stress hormone, cortisol even in stressful situations.  So go ahead and indulge in that chocolate, just remember to go easy on the quantity.


Chamomile Tea

De-clutter your personal space

Much like comfort food chamomile tea instantly provides warmth and comfort. The silky taste and the fragrance of chamomile flower together make this one healthy, herbal beverage. But most importantly it contains chrysin which is a naturally-occurring flavonoid that is known to ease anxiety which relaxes your stressed nerves, helps you sleep well and keeps depression at bay!


A bubble bath

De-clutter your personal space

Lavish baths and showers have a healing effect like no other. A bubble bath accompanied with a glass of wine and music is the most peaceful, mood lifting, experience you will arrange for yourself. If not a bathtub, a hot shower should be able to relax those stressed nerves.


Sweat it out

De-clutter your personal space

As inappropriate as it sounds, a vigorous workout that helps you sweat it all out is one of the best ways to vent. Plus stepping outdoors on a jogging track or in a park sans your phone is just the way to connect with yourself. If that isn’t so much your deal then an hour of Zumba or freestyle dancing will give you a positive endorphin boost, that most certainly with perk up your mood.


An anonymous good gesture

De-clutter your personal space

An anonymous good gesture, leaving a handwritten note for a loved one or a good deed for charity is an ideal way to perk up your own mood. The best way to seek happiness is to find it in someone else’s, remember?


De-clutter your personal space

De-clutter your personal space

Another very valid way to de-clutter your life is by de-cluttering your personal space. After all, less physical clutter is less mental clutter! Take a day to clean that long impending closet and even if it means opening up a bag full of memories, it will only cheer you up.

Khubi Amin Ahmed

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Deputy Editor, Writer/Journalist, Avid reader, Moonlighting literature loony, culinary and art fanatic. Unconventional eternal!

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