5 Yogasanas For Period Pain

Written by Nalini Agarwal6th Jul 2017
5 yogasanas for period pain
You’ve been planning a weekend trek for the longest time and that Sunday is finally here! Just that come Saturday evening, Aunt Flo comes knocking for her monthly visit and brings with her a whole bag of goodies—cramps, crippling back pain and nausea. How very infuriating! But take heart and relief in some of these yogasanas. Here is a list of poses that can help reduce the effects of period pain if practiced regularly!

Balasana – Child’s Pose

bitilasana yogasana for period pain

How you do it:

Kneel on the floor and sit on your haunches as you spread your knees, hip width apart. Exhale and bend forward with arms stretched out and forehead comfortably resting on the floor. Maintain the posture for two minutes. Inhale as you go back.


Massages the abdominal organs

Soothes aching back

Calms and quietens the mind


Supta Matsyendrasana – Supine Spinal Twist

bitilasana yogasana for period pain

How you do it:

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring the left knee to your chest and straighten out the right leg. Gently shift the left knee onto the right side of the body. Extend the left arm while placing your right hand on your left knee. Turn your head towards the left, looking over your left shoulder. Maintain the posture for a while gently inhaling and exhaling. Then draw up the left knee back to the chest and go back to starting posture. Repeat on the other side.


Strengthens and stretches spine, chest and hips

Reduces uterine cramps

Soothes and stills the mind

Pro Tip: Shapes the waistline


Baddha Konasna – Bound Angle Pose

bitilasana yogasana for period pain

How you do it:

Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. As you exhale, bend knees and bring the heels of the feet towards the pelvis. Clutch the big toe of each foot in your hand. Lower your knees towards the floor as far as they can go opening out your thighs and hips. Maintain for 30 seconds to 1 minute as you breathe gently. Get back to the starting position as you inhale.


Stretches the groin area and thighs and makes knee joint supple

Helps relieve menstrual pain as it relaxes the uterine area

Relaxes the body and relieves fatigue

Pro Tip: Strengthens hamstrings and shapes thighs


Setu Bandhasna – Bridge Pose

bitilasana yogasana for period pain

How you do it:

Lie flat on your back. Gently bend your knees to the hips with the soles of the feet lying flat on the floor. Clasp both ankles with your hands and inhale while lifting the pelvis and chest upwards till your body forms a bridge. Maintain the posture for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Exhale as you get back into the starting position.


The spine is energized and the backaches get reduced

Relieves menstrual cramps

Calms the mind and reduces anxiety

bitilasana yogasana for period pain

How you do it:

Lie on your stomach; raise the body on the hands bringing the knees directly below the hips. Inhale and lift your chest upwards while letting the belly sink downward. Exhale and come to the neutral position. Repeat about ten times.


Massages all the organs in the abdomen by increasing blood flow

Reduces symptoms of pain during menstruation

Stretches the body and spine

End the yoga session with Savasana or Corpse Pose. Lie flat on your back taking the full support of the ground, hands lying palms upwards at the sides. Listen to your breathing and feel completely relaxed.

Try to practice these yogic postures regularly and you’ll begin to notice the pain associated with your period decreasing.

Nalini Agarwal

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