Surfset Fitness – The New Workout Rage You Have To Sign Up For

Written by Khubi Amin AhmedApr 29, 2015
A chiseled and well sculpted body is on everyone’s most desired list but if the roadmap to a perfect body leads you to the same old tedious lanes of a gym then you might want to shake things up a bit on the workout front. And that’s exactly what Team BB needed. That’s why we hit Surfset fitness to put our bodies and balancing skills to the test.

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A quick background – Surfset fitness, as the name suggests, is a workout inspired by surfing practiced outside of the water. Founded by hockey player Mike Hartwick, Surfset is now an international craze thanks to a multitude of benefits that include building core strength, balance, flexibility and agility.

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Amidst an environment created for an illusionary surfing experience, the Surfset exercise board simulates the instability of riding waves without water to give users a combined strength training and cardio workout much advanced than the gym.

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Alisha Mistry, instructor at Surfset fitness tells us, “In a gym you usually compartmentalise your body when you work out, either you engage in upper body or lower body. Here at Surfset in a matter of 45 minutes you do a full body workout and your core is constantly engaged because you are continuously trying to stabilise the board. So whether you're squatting on the board or doing pushups, your core is always at work.”

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Every Surfset workout is based on the balance, burn, build and blend technique. “That’s how we have designed these classes – your start off with balance to become aware of yourself on a wobbly surface, master the art of balance and only after a month of different intensity balance classes we shift you to a burn class. The burn is very cardio oriented but here at Surfset fitness we cater to everyone so if the burn is too tough on you then we move you to build classes. Lastly we have a combination of all the three in the blend class.”

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Nazneen Joshi, from team BB shares her experience, “It's no myth that mixing up your workout routine can rejuvenate the body and mind – and that's exactly what Surfset did. These days, it feels like we're all scouting for alternatives to a mundane gym environment and Surfset really delivers on that front. Plus, the feeling of surfing on beautiful blue waves (an ambience effectively created) wins my vote over a run on the mill, any day. If you're up for breaking into a serious sweat, you've got my recommendation” she quips.

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Team BB’s collective verdict: For those of you who are looking for an alternate health regime that builds your core and tones it too, Surf Set is your answer!

Surfset Fitness currently holds classes only in Mumbai but plan on expanding to the rest of India.
Find more information about them at

Khubi Amin Ahmed

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Deputy Editor, Writer/Journalist, Avid reader, Moonlighting literature loony, culinary and art fanatic. Unconventional eternal!

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