5 Essential Tips To Travel Light

Written by Shreya ContractorFeb 20, 2017
If you're a wanderluster, your pace is slightly faster than others and more often than not, you do not have the time or patience to let the stress of baggage claim get to you. Right? This is precisely why we’ve come up with ways to travel light for all you jet setters out there!

Layer up on clothes

Bid adieu to luxuries

You couldn’t possibly travel light if you’re packing up seven outfits for seven days. Be smart here and carry layers. A cardigan, denim jacket or a classic black leather one—all make for great layers for an outfit change.


Cut down on toiletries

Bid adieu to luxuries

No, you do not need different perfumes for morning, noon and night. Pick one and stick to it. Also, avoid the bigger bottles and make miniatures your new best friends.


Choose your shoes

Bid adieu to luxuries

We know, we know, how it would only do your fancy Shoes justice if you featured them in every picture—but save them. Pick two pairs—one that you wear while you get going and another, for those special clicks.


Keep them all together

Bid adieu to luxuries

Your passport, wallet, phone charger and power bank should all go into a single case that must be guarded with your life. This not only the saves you the trouble of having to unzip each compartment when looking for something but also saves you plenty volume.


Bid adieu to luxuries

Bid adieu to luxuries

We understand the need for a DSLR and/or portable speakers—but avoid them. Your phone camera works great and those earphones aren’t so bad either. Leave your luxuries back home so you can make the most of your trip.

Image Credits: Chuansong.me, Terapeak, Know Your Meme, Rachel Phipps, Shortday, Jonathan Photos

Shreya Contractor

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