6 Things Girls Do That Put Guys Off

Written by Shreya ContractorSep 21, 2018
6 things girls do that put guys off
He’s in love with you and he’s proven it to you time and again. But you’ve grown to like all the pampering that you get a bit much now, haven’t you? So much that it's turning you blind—too blind to notice these signs that maybe things are starting to slip away...

When you always make it about yourself

When you're perpetually late

From the start of your merry relationship, it’s always been about you. Your feelings, your wants, your choice of restaurants, your movies. While he is genuinely interested in keeping you happy, ever had consideration for what he’d like? A relationship is a two-way street!


When you are overtly jealous

When you're perpetually late

Seriously, stop with this. He loves you and you’re the one he talks about to his friends. Just because you picture another girl at the movies with him, in your head, you find yourself surreptitiously checking on him through text messages. Let him breathe. The guy just wants to have a good time with his friends. He will come back to you, like he always has.


When you're constantly fighting

When you're perpetually late

When the two of you got together, it wasn't because you were two exact same individuals but because you learnt to like and respect each other’s differences. So where did all that go when the two of you became official? It got worse—you are now fighting and threatening to break up over little things. Don’t. You're pushing him away.


When you’re way too dependent on him

When you're perpetually late

Playing the damsel in distress every time isn't going to get you too far with him. If anything, it’s going to push him further away. It may have been cute initially, when you couldn’t fix that door knob by yourself or update your laptop software—he liked coming to your rescue. But not when it became a habit; then it just became a turn off.


When you're constantly hating on others

When you're perpetually late

There’s a reason boys are easier to hang out with—less drama. So why would you assume that’d change just because he’s in a relationship with you? Yes, he’ll listen to you if there was a girl in class that upset you, because he cares about what’s bothering you. But spare him the drama and negativity that follows.


When you're perpetually late

When you're perpetually late

Just because he loves you, it's okay to spend two hours at a coffee shop, waiting on you? No, it isn't. Don’t go taking his love for granted and don't ruin his excitement by making him wait that long. Find a way to look good for him within the time span or give him a later time because you know he's punctual, even when you're not.

Now that you’ve seen the red flags, make sure you work on them while you still can and not miss out on a potentially real thing—because love is the thing.

Image Credits: UTAS Blogs, Bmag, Missosology

Shreya Contractor

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