How To Remove Nail Polish When You Run Out Of Remover

Written by Sanya HamdaniMay 14, 2024
How to remove nail polish when you run out of remover

Chipped nail polish can be very frustrating, especially when you didn’t see it coming, or worse, when you have just run out of remover. It looks hideous and can seriously bring your nail game down. Well, if you ever find yourself in a situation like this again, this article is for you.

We are going to tell you about a few alternatives that can come handy during times like these. Whether you are travelling and forgot to carry your nail polish remover or you simply ran out of it, here’s how you can remove nail polish without remover.


Hand sanitizer


The chances of carrying a hand sanitizer in your bag at all times are more than carrying a nail polish remover. The good news is that most sanitizers contain a little bit of alcohol, which is a good solvent to soften nail polish. Soak your nails in lukewarm water to soften them, then wet a cotton ball with sanitizer and use it to wipe off the nail paint. Repeat till all is gone!




Toothpaste contains ethyl acetate, which is a common ingredient found in nail polish removers. Use white toothpaste to get rid of the nail polish. Take a dollop of toothpaste and apply small amounts on your nails. Scrub your nails with an old toothbrush or paper towel to remove the nail paint.




Hairsprays that contain rubbing alcohol are the next best alternative to a nail polish remover. You can get rid of chipped nail polish with the help of a hairspray by taking a cotton ball and placing it in direct contact with the nozzle of your hair spray and then simply swipe the cotton ball over your nails. Repeat until it comes off completely. Wash your hands thoroughly and apply a generous amount of moisturiser afterwards.


Vinegar and lemon


Vinegar is acidic in nature and is often used as a household cleaner. When combined with the freshness of lemon, which is also acidic, the combination becomes more effective and gets the job done easily. Combine vinegar and lemon and let the cotton soak in it for 10 to 20 minutes. Use the cotton ball afterward to get rid of the polish.




Another way to remove your nail polish is by using a deodorant. Spray it on your nails and rub with a cotton ball. This will require more than one try.

P.S. These are only alternatives that can be used during emergencies; they do not offer the same results as a nail polish remover.

Sanya Hamdani

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Sanya Hamdani is a skincare enthusiast and lipstick hoarder, she truly believes no two red lipsticks look exactly alike. With a Master's degree in Communication & Journalism and 5+ years of digital writing experience up her sleeve, Sanya has some of the biggest beauty experts in the country on her speed dial. When she's not swatching products or writing about the latest trends in beauty, you will find her watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. or cooking up a storm in the kitchen.


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