4 Oral Hygiene Habits That Should Have Been Adopted Yesterday

Written by Urvi DalalSep 16, 2023
4 oral hygiene habits that should have been adopted yesterday

Oral hygiene extends way beyond brushing your teeth twice a day and visiting your dentist once a year. You need to practice oral hygiene every single day in order to ensure that your teeth remain strong and cavity-free for a longer period.

But if you’re wondering what more to include in your dental care routine (apart from brushing), DW, we’re here to help. Here are four effective, dentist-approved dental care tips that will care of your pearly whites and keep them strong and healthy.


01. Floss regularly

04. Watch what you eat

Even though you may be brushing your teeth twice a day, every single day, it is still not enough to clean every nook and cranny of your teeth as the bristles are not thin enough. Therefore, to truly clean your teeth, you should floss them at least once every two days to thoroughly clean them.


02. Use a mouthwash

04. Watch what you eat

Using a mouthwash is quite underrated THB. Dentists claim that it comes with plenty of benefits. From dealing with bad breath to killing germs that your toothpaste might have missed, mouthwash can do it all. Although it is no replacement for brushing, using a mouthwash with fluoride protects your teeth and helps maintain oral hygiene.


03. Avoid having a lot of lemons

04. Watch what you eat

A lot of DIY recipes talk about rubbing a slice of lemon on your teeth to remove plaque and whiten your teeth. But turns out it is not exactly very healthy. Lemons are highly acidic in nature and can end up weakening the nail enamel and damaging your pearly whites in the process.


04. Watch what you eat

04. Watch what you eat

A lot of the food we consume has the ability to leave behind stains. This ends up discolouring our teeth over time. Therefore, avoid having a lot of tea, coffee, sugar-rich and turmeric-infused foods. If you do have such foods, brush your teeth immediately afterwards to avoid the stain from settling in.

Urvi Dalal

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Writer, avid reader and hardcore beauty enthusiast is the best way to describe Urvi Dalal. With over 5 years of writing experience in the beauty industry, you can trust her to have the latest skin, hair and makeup tidbits on her fingertips. In her time working as a beauty writer, she has had the opportunity to interact and work closely with a string of dermatologists, makeup artists and hairstylists. All that knowledge exchange, coupled with her flair and love for writing make it possible for her to bring you some authentic yet fun beauty content. When Urvi isn’t working, you’d usually catch her curled up with a big, fat book, drinking a cup of tea or practising her makeup skills; there is no in-between!


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