Do Eggs Cause Acne? Here Are 3 Reasons That Answer Your Question

Written by Nisha ShahNov 30, 2023
Do Eggs Cause Acne? Here Are 3 Reasons That Answer Your Question

Loaded in protein and low in calories, eggs are a popular breakfast around the world for a reason. Easy on the pocket, available everywhere, and tasty too, eggs are loved by people across the globe. However, those with acne-prone skin might have a reason to worry. There is a rumour that’s floating around about eggs causing acne. Does this rumour hold any truth? Is it just a rumour? Read on as we answer this burning question: do eggs cause acne?


Egg nutritional benefits

How to Know If Eggs Are Causing Acne on Your Face?

Before we get around to answering your question about eggs causing acne, we would like to tell you about the abundance of nutrients eggs contain:

  • One large egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which improves the body’s cholesterol profile. However, this high cholesterol profile does not increase your risk of heart disease
  • Eggs consist of choline, a nutrient that is very important for your brain
  • Eggs have antioxidants known as lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes
  • Eggs are rich in lecithin, an essential fat for the body, that works as an emollient
  • They contain retinol, which is highly beneficial for the skin in various ways
  • They boast of sulphur, which contributes to your skin’s health and removes toxins from the body
  • They contain selenium, which protects the body from damage caused by free radicals


How do eggs cause acne

How to Know If Eggs Are Causing Acne on Your Face?

Yes, eggs can trigger acne in some people. It totally differs from person to person, and the frequency of consumption is a major decisive factor. Here are some factors that show how eggs cause acne:


1. Iodine content

How to Know If Eggs Are Causing Acne on Your Face?

The iodine content in eggs is often made the culprit, blamed for being the reason for acne. However, the iodine found in eggs indirectly triggers acne, and that too in the process of doing something good for your body. Confused? Let us explain.

Each egg contains about 27 mcg of iodine, which is enough to trigger a fluoride purge. If you are not aware, fluoride is one of the worst acne triggers and a toxic mineral that does not leave your body easily. Iodine is a nutrient that can push out fluoride from your body. Therefore, when you consume eggs, the iodine in them eliminates fluoride from your system.

When fluoride gets eliminated, the body removes it in the form of sebum or dead skin cells, thus causing acne. So yes, the iodine content in eggs is actually excellent; it’s the fluoride that is triggering the acne as it leaves your body.


2. Excessive progesterone

How to Know If Eggs Are Causing Acne on Your Face?

Eggs are full of progesterone, which is an acne-triggering hormone. Since your body creates its own progesterone, consuming extra hormones can obviously disrupt your body’s natural hormone levels. Excessive progesterone levels may trigger acne, so it is better to keep a check on your consumption of eggs.

If you are wondering that you’ve been eating eggs all your life, and acne is something you never encountered, then maybe you must not be consuming them all that frequently to trigger a breakout. Observe your egg consumption and make changes if you suffer from breakouts.


3. Too much biotin

How to Know If Eggs Are Causing Acne on Your Face?

It is believed that the rich content of biotin in eggs might also be the reason why eggs cause acne. Yes, we know what you are thinking – isn’t biotin supposed to be good for the skin and hair? Well, it actually is good for the skin and hair, but eggs have a high content of biotin. This excessive biotin content can stimulate keratin in maniacal proportions, causing hyperkeratosis, which is the root cause of acne. Like they say, even good things in excessive proportions can be unhealthy, and so it is with biotin as well.


4. Albumin content

How to Know If Eggs Are Causing Acne on Your Face?

Albumin is a type of protein that the liver makes on its own. However, when consumed externally, it is extremely hard to digest. Egg whites contain albumin in abundance, and when these proteins are not broken down, they clog up the lymphatic system. This causes inflammation on the face, ultimately leading to acne.


How to Know If Eggs Are Causing Acne on Your Face

How to Know If Eggs Are Causing Acne on Your Face?

If you are experiencing breakouts on your face and are unable to figure out why that is, then maybe check if eggs are causing the acne. The easiest way to determine that is to cut out eggs, especially egg whites, from your diet for two to three weeks. After two to three weeks, have eggs and after three to four hours, check if you experience any symptoms of intolerance.

If you find that eggs do cause acne on your skin, don’t worry. Give the acne time to heal, and meanwhile, decrease the consumption of eggs to not cause any more flare-ups. However, if you have already eliminated eggs and your acne is still inflamed, maybe the cause is something else. Observe your diet and see if there is anything that could cause breakouts. If not, consulting a dermatologist is your best bet.


Nisha Shah

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Writer, avid reader and a lover of all things creative is the best way to describe Nisha Shah! Equipped with a degree in Journalism and a certification in Digital Marketing, she brings a distinct perspective to her writing. With experience in content covering a range of topics from health to travel and beauty to food, she manages to bring something interesting and yet easy-to-read for her readers. When she's not writing, you can find her curled up with a book and coffee, bingeing on movies and TV shows, experimenting with photography and lots more!


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