Pamper Your Mane With These Homemade Hair Packs For Monsoon

Written by Khubi Amin AhmedMay 18, 2021

While the monsoon brings with it a fair share of romance, chances are your hair isn’t taking too well to the rains after all! It is only fair that you take some extra care of your tresses and pamper them with some extra love. And it is not even too much hassle with a few easy-peasy home packs. Here’s how...


1. Neem and gram flour hair pack for for silky hair

FAQs about homemade hair packs for monsoon

Mix in 2 teaspoons of neem powder and 2 teaspoons of gram flour into a smooth paste and apply generously onto your hair and scalp. Let it dry for around 30 minutes and wash off.

While the gram flour will cleanse your scalp, the neem will have innumerable benefits that include shiny tresses and a dandruff-free scalp. Repeat his twice a week and you will notice a silky, shiny change in your tresses too.


2. Curd, lemon and mustard oil hair pack for damage free hair

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For unruly hair that is unhealthy and damaged, this pack comes in handy to do some damage control. Mix in curd, lemon and mustard oil to make this hair pack and let it dry, then wash off with water. Now heat some hibiscus leaves in water and bring to a boil. Squeeze a lemon into it and apply it onto your hair. Leave it for around 20 minutes and again wash it off with a mild shampoo.


3. Egg, Lemon and Honey hair pack for an oil free scalp

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For a clean, oil-free scalp, mix in two egg yolks, an egg white, lemon juice and a few drops of honey. Generously apply it onto your hair, let it dry and wash off with a deep cleansing shampoo. This should leave your scalp oil-free and hair supple.


4. Amla and coconut oil hair pack to prevent hair fall

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To curb hair fall you need to enhance the blood circulation to your scalp which in turn will improve the growth of hair. For this, boil coconut oil with a few dry amla pieces, apply it onto your hair twice a week and you will already be on the road to repair for your hair.

You can also soak shikakai, amla and reetha in hot water overnight. The next morning crushes the ingredients and wash your hair with it. This can be used as a substitute to shampoo.


5. Vinegar and honey hair pack for straight hair

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Mix in equal quantities of vinegar and honey in a cup of hot water and let it stand still for a few minutes. Then apply it onto your hair, leave it on for a few minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo. This should straighten out the monsoon frizz and deep condition your hair.


6. Honey and milk hair pack for dull hair

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For dealing with monsoon woes, a honey and milk hair pack is one of the best hair packs. This hair pack cleanses your scalp and also nourishes the hair follicles, thus, dealing with dull hair. To make this pack, take some milk and add honey to it. Apply the mask on your hair and wash off with cold water after 30 minutes. The natural nourishing properties of milk, combined with humectants in honey keep your hair hydrated and supple.


7. Avocado and almond oil mask for lustrous hair

FAQs about homemade hair packs for monsoon

If you feel that the monsoon woes have stolen the lustre from your hair, look no further, because this hair pack of avocado with almond oil is the right one for you! Avocado is a great source of biotin, potassium and magnesium, which add smoothness and shine to hair. When combined with Vitamin E-rich almond oil, this mask can be a boon for your tresses. To prepare this, take a ripe avocado and add little almond oil to it. Now apply this mixture to your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing it off.


8. Banana and mayonnaise hair pack for frizz free hair

FAQs about homemade hair packs for monsoon

Banana contains active enzymes and moisturizing properties, providing your scalp much-needed vitamins and nourishment. On the other hand, mayonnaise contains essential fatty acids that help to keep hair frizz-free and supple, so a combination of these two ingredients makes for a great monsoon hair pack! Take some bananas and mash them properly. To this, add some mayonnaise and mix well. Apply this pack on the scalp and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.


FAQs about homemade hair packs for monsoon

FAQs about homemade hair packs for monsoon

Q. What are the home remedies for monsoon hair?

A. Apart from using the hair packs mentioned above, during monsoons, since hair tends to get dry, oil your hair regularly. Also, hair is more sensitive during monsoon and can easily be damaged, so do not opt for any treatments that require use of heavy chemicals.

Q. Which hair pack is the best for hair growth?

A. Any hair packs containing avocado, amla, and coconut oil are great for hair growth. Try any of the abovementioned hair packs; they will definitely help in hair growth. You can also try using aloe vera gel.

Q. Which hair oil is the best for the rainy season?

A. Coconut oil, olive oil and almond oil are highly beneficial during the rainy season. Even essential oils such as lavender oil and tea tree oil are great for the hair during monsoon.

Q. Why does hair become frizzy in monsoon?

A. During the monsoon, the level of humidity in the air increases, due to which our hair loses moisture. As a result, it becomes frizzy. To keep your tresses healthy, keep oiling them regularly and apply homemade hair masks once a week.

Khubi Amin Ahmed

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Deputy Editor, Writer/Journalist, Avid reader, Moonlighting literature loony, culinary and art fanatic. Unconventional eternal!

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