What You Must Eat Before A Rigorous Workout

Written by Tulip RodriguesOct 06, 2016
The best pre-workout food is one that has a mix of simple and complex carbohydrates. The body uses the stored form of carbohydrates (glycogen), so your snack must help replace this. This will help you feel energetic and strong and will increase endurance. The simple carbs will give energy quickly and the complex carbs will release energy slowly. This is crucial for a long distance marathoner. Eat your meal at least 20 minutes before your workout. Here what to eat before workout….

Bananas on toast

What you need: 1 Banana, 1 slice of whole wheat bread and1 teaspoon of honey.


Step 1

Step 3

Slice a small banana. Toast a slice of whole wheat bread. Layer the sliced banana over the toast. Finish with a drizzle of honey.

Why this works: This is a great pre workout meal for a workout that’s over an hour. For a shorter workout, just the banana or toast with honey would suffice. Moreover, bananas are packed with digestible carbohydrates and potassium, which aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function.

Overnight oatmeal pancakes

What you need: 1 cup quick oatmeal ground into a flour, 1/4 cup mixed grain flour or replace with flour of your choice (red millet or buckwheat or soya or rajgira), ½ teaspoon baking soda, ½ teaspoon baking powder, ¾ teaspoons cinnamon powder, 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg powder,1 tbsp honey,1 large egg,½ teaspoon vanilla essence and 11/4 cups buttermilk.


Prepare the batter the night before you want to make these pancakes. In a large bowl mix the oatmeal, flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add the honey, eggs, vanilla, and buttermilk and mix until the batter is well-combined. Cover the bowl and refrigerate overnight.


Step 1

Step 3

The next morning give the batter a quick stir to combine. It should be fairly thick. Heat a non-stick pan to medium heat. Put a little olive oil and then wipe the pan.


Step 2

Step 3

Drop 1/4 cup rounds of batter into the pan. Let the pancakes cook for 2-3 minutes until the underside is evenly brown. Slide a flat spatula underneath and flip the pancakes. Cook for another minute or so.


Step 3

Step 3

Serve warm with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup.

Why this will work for you: Oats contain thiamin, niacin and folate—all of which work together to aid your body in metabolizing energy. Moreover, eggs contain B-vitamins that convert food into energy.

Tulip Rodrigues

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An educator with a passion for food and health, Tulip is a Nutrition and Fitness Expert with a penchant for tweaking every recipe to make it healthier and tastier! She balances fitness classes at her studio, holds workshops on healthy eating, coaches clients on wholesome, nutritious eating and doffs many other hats.

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