4 Essential Makeup Tips For Dry Skin

Written by Chandni GhoshFeb 14, 2017
If you have dry skin, you’ll know that it can be rather stressful. Its constant flakiness and dry patches can make caring for this skin type an uphill task. Not just that, even applying makeup can be a delicate situation because you never know if the products or techniques being used are aggravating the problem. However, the trick to use the right makeup for dry skin is to mix hydrating products with the chosen makeup. Wondering how to go about it? Then read on as we’ve got the makeup hacks you need to follow for your dry skin...

Moisturiser + Foundation

Lip Balm + Matte Lipstick


Primer + Blush

Lip Balm + Matte Lipstick


Petroleum jelly + Mascara

Lip Balm + Matte Lipstick


Lip Balm + Matte Lipstick

Lip Balm + Matte Lipstick

Chandni Ghosh

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I have this superpower of buying everything and anything related to cats because I strongly believe that cats are greater than human beings. Amidst all of these thoughts, I take time out to write about food, fitness and beauty - something that makes my job so much fun!

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