How To Do A Manicure And Pedicure At Home

Written by Chandni GhoshSep 20, 2018
How to do a manicure and pedicure at home
We all know that nothing beats the comfort of a relaxing manicure and pedicure session at a salon. But if you have some time in hand, you can totally give yourself one at home too! Confused about how to go about it? Here’s what you need to do...

Soak it up

Time to paint


Scrub all the dead skin away

Time to paint



Time to paint


Soften cuticles

Time to paint


Time to paint

Time to paint

Chandni Ghosh

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I have this superpower of buying everything and anything related to cats because I strongly believe that cats are greater than human beings. Amidst all of these thoughts, I take time out to write about food, fitness and beauty - something that makes my job so much fun!

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