How Seaweed Helps Hair Growth

Written by Chandni GhoshOct 22, 2018
A kind of marine algae, seaweed lives on minerals from the sea and is known to be hugely nutritious when included in your diet. There are various kinds of seaweeds—red, green as well as brown and almost all are highly beneficial for the body. While they help your body get its share of nutrients, they’re also extremely good for hair growth. Wondering what makes these slimy sea plants food for healthy hair? Read on to find out...

An essential source of Omega-3

A damage free hair guide

Seaweeds are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. When your body receives the goodness of Omega- 3, your hair follicles get the right amount of nutrients so as to stimulate growth. Moreover, Omega-3s in seaweed also improve blood circulation in the scalp, which is essential for hair growth.


A way to sebum production

A damage free hair guide

If you’ve been suffering from dry and damaged hair, there are chances that you also suffer from hair loss. And we all agree that nothing’s more disappointing than seeing a chunk of your hair tangled in your brush. Using products infused with seaweed is one of the best solutions to this problem because seaweed contains Vitamin A as well as Vitamin C—both of which stimulate sebum production. This will ensure that the oils are evenly distributed in your scalp making your hair feeling naturally conditioned.


A damage free hair guide

A damage free hair guide

If you’ve been fighting hair fall for a while, chances are that your hair looks lifeless and dull. As mentioned above, red algae is a kind of seaweed that works wonders for hair growth. You can get your dose of seaweed from the Dove Regenerative Repair Shampoo and Conditioner. Since it contains red algae, it helps retain moisture in your scalp thereby ensuring hair growth. It also replenishes nutrients and repairs any kind of damage to your hair.

Chandni Ghosh

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I have this superpower of buying everything and anything related to cats because I strongly believe that cats are greater than human beings. Amidst all of these thoughts, I take time out to write about food, fitness and beauty - something that makes my job so much fun!

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