8 Reasons You Keep Falling For The Wrong Guy

Written by Shreya ContractorSep 21, 2018
Having read the header, you already have a slideshow of ex-boyfriends playing in your head. Men you wasted your time with, thinking they'd last forever—well, not so soon hon. You will have plenty men come your way before you figure out why you always keep falling for the wrong ones. We could help you expedite that process though, by narrowing down a few basic reasons down below...

Reason #1: He's just hot

Reason #8: You make things up in your head

You're already nodding your head there, aren't you? It's almost as if being hot is in sync with being the wrong choice. Oh well, not everything can be controlled, especially not lust at first sight. You’re clearly not thinking straight here, so there’s no saving you from your own doom.


Reason #2: You trust too easily

Reason #8: You make things up in your head

A little too prone to believing the good in everyone, are you? Or do you simply let out too much, too soon, without realising just how vulnerable it’s leaving you in front of him? Maybe it’s time you relied a little on your gut instinct, or trusted your friends more so you’re saved the trouble of ADD (another dating disaster).


Reason #3: He thrills and excites you

Reason #8: You make things up in your head

There's something about him that makes your inner rebel rise. The way he couldn’t care less about people, his unapologetic way of life, his sense of adventure, his intense glares—you’re drawn to everything. But how long do you think that’d last? You’re eventually going to wear out.


Reason #4: You ignore all the red flags

Reason #8: You make things up in your head

If you're one to choose heart over head, then chances are you tend to overlook the bads. You ignore the fact that your compatibility may be low or that you may have irreconcilable differences. You ignore all the red flags just for the pleasure and the thrill of being with him in the moment. Not the best way to go about it, is it now?


Reason #5: He tries to change who you are

Reason #8: You make things up in your head

Sure, he adds to your life by bringing out an unexplored side to you and you suddenly find yourself doing too many things that you weren’t comfortable with at first. Life's suddenly an adventure but are you really inherently the person he’s making you into?


Reason #6: You like the ‘older man’ tag

Reason #8: You make things up in your head

The idea of having an older boyfriend never gets old. You're given a taste of the good life because he knows better—but that’s only until he uses it to his advantage by playing the ‘I’m older than you’ card every time you have an argument. That becomes his way of taking you for granted and constantly undermining your worth. Now who’d ever want to be in a relationship like that?


Reason #7: You fell for his bad boy ways

Reason #8: You make things up in your head

While older men are charming, the younger boys are badass. His bad boy, always-getting-into-trouble attitude thrills you. He doesn’t care about you, he won’t even bother being nice, but your twisted mind sees it as a challenge and there you go, tumbling down that rabbit hole, trying to win him over. How do you not see it? It’s written all over him—he doesn’t care.


Reason #8: You make things up in your head

Reason #8: You make things up in your head

All those movies watched and novels read led you to a state of delusion where love was everything beautiful and nothing practical. So you ignore the real signs he’s giving out and decrypt them in ways that seem fit to you. Now how does one save a damsel that paints a pretty picture of her distress? About time you got real there, little girl.

Image Credits: Fox News Magazine

Shreya Contractor

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