8 Things Every Woman Ought To Learn In Her 20S

Written by Shreya ContractorOct 03, 2018
8 things every woman ought to learn in her 20s
Now that your reckless and rebellious teenage years are behind you, it’s time you mapped out your next decade—so you're actually growing up and not just growing old. Time to sober up; here are the eight things that every woman in her 20s ought to learn for her own good.

Plan and <a href="https://www.bebeautiful.in/all-things-makeup/everyday/beauty-on-budget">budget</a> your expenses

Take care of yourself

Blowing up all your earnings (not savings, because you clearly didn't have any) in your initial working days might have been okay then but not so much anymore. It's time you got real and less rash with your money because it's the one of the few imperative things for the long haul.


Make an investment for the long run

Take care of yourself

That paycheck is only going to escalate from here on, so think bigger than temporary comforts and invest in something long-term. Mutual funds, fixed deposits, insurance policies, there’s so much to help you plan, if only you took your first step. Believe us, you’ll be grateful.


Learn to cook at least two meals

Take care of yourself

You might have rebelled your way out of your mum trying to teach you to cook when younger, but you'll soon realize cooking is a skill that never fails to impress; not others, but yourself. So you owe it to yourself to learn to cook at least one basic and one decadent meal.


Feel comfortable in your own skin

Take care of yourself

Accept the fact that your body type and/or skin tone isn't going to change very much and don't be too hard on yourself. There's so much more to you than these superficial things, so don't let them dictate your life. Be confident and comfortable with yourself and stop comparing yourself to others.


Get out of your comfort zone

Take care of yourself

Being comfy in your skin is one thing, but don’t get too comfy for you’ve got things to do and places to go. The bigger things in life were never found close to home, and definitely nowhere near your comfort zone. So push yourself to strive till you've achieved them and then get hungry for more, all over again.


Have and realize your dream

Take care of yourself

You've been dreaming about what's on the other side for far too long now—about time you realized it. Look it up, learn, prep, picturize and finally execute, whatever it is that's required to bring you closer to your dreams. Because if not now, then seriously, when?


Become entirely self-dependent

Take care of yourself

Have to go somewhere? Drive yourself. Have a flat tyre? Fix it. Hungry? Cook. Cornered? Defend. Become your own person, one little task at a time. Doesn't mean that you have to go at it all alone, but certainly means that you can. And that, right there, is your power.


Take care of yourself

Take care of yourself

And while you're at all of the above, don't neglect your health. Your body is the only thing you have to call yours, so take good care of it. Pick a sport, exercise, eat healthy, do yoga, even meditate if it helps. Just prioritize yourself, because only you know what’s best for you.

Shreya Contractor

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