5 Beauty Horrors Every Girl Will Identify With

Written by Chandni GhoshMay 27, 2019
Runny mascara, an uneven cat eye and unforgivable haircuts—we’ve all been there, done that. Sure, they make us unhappy for a while but in hindsight, we all laugh over that time we had a beauty faux pas, don’t we? Here are some GIFs from the web that you’d probably identify with...

That time you looked scary AF while removing makeup...

That time your dark circles were darker than your humour...

You know how you look like a complete raccoon when removing makeup while going over your beauty routine? Thanks to runny mascara and kajal, you truly wish nobody spotted you with those panda eyes, don’t you? But on the upside at least you’re being a good girl and removing your makeup.


That time you emptied out every makeup product in excitement...

That time your dark circles were darker than your humour...

We’ve all done this one—taken our makeup addiction to a whole new level where we didn’t know how much is too much. You know you have embarrassing pictures of you from that night at the party when your face OD’d on blush, highlighter, eyeshadow...you get the drift, don’t you?

Image credit: Onedio


That time your hairdresser didn’t get the memo...

That time your dark circles were darker than your humour...

Long hair girls, you’d totally identify with this one. You grow your hair but eventually, it’s damaged AF—there are split ends, dryness, the works and the only resort you have is to hit the salon. But every time your hairstylist goes chop chop, you feel like you’re inching closer to baldness!


That time you failed at copying tutorials....

That time your dark circles were darker than your humour...

If you’re a die-hard makeup enthusiast, you’ve probably tried the highlighting and contouring beauty tips that tutorials have taught you but then, what if it doesn’t go well? You end up looking like a clown and it’s clearly a far cry from the original tutorial? Well, at least, you tried.

Image credit: Gurl


That time your dark circles were darker than your humour...

That time your dark circles were darker than your humour...

Don’t we all agree that dark circles are quite the skin monsters in our lives? It’s almost like we don’t need to tell you how tired we are, we’re just going to let our under eyes do the talking like Ariana explains very sarcastically here!

Image credit: MTV

Chandni Ghosh

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I have this superpower of buying everything and anything related to cats because I strongly believe that cats are greater than human beings. Amidst all of these thoughts, I take time out to write about food, fitness and beauty - something that makes my job so much fun!

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