What All First Time Moms Need To Know About Bathing Their Newborn

Written by Shweta Vepa VyasAug 02, 2024
What all first time moms need to know about bathing their newborn
Being a first time mom can be a rather daunting affair. Those picture-perfect Instagram posts about motherhood didn’t tell you about the all-consuming exhaustion, nerve-wracking hormonal changes, seemingly endless sleep deprivation and of course copious amounts of unsolicited advice! And while your bundle of joy does make it totally worth it, it wouldn’t have hurt to be prepared, right? We’re happy to help, starting with the most basic—bathing. Here’s what you need to consider before you get started!

Is the temperature right?

Pick your products wisely

First up, you need to make sure that the water is comfortably warm for your newborn. Fill up your bathing tub with cold water first and then add in the hot water, making sure you mix it together well. Ideally, the temperature should be close to your baby’s body temperature i.e. 37 - 38 degrees C. Also, make sure that you never put your baby under running water—as the temperature might just change, and in some cases even scald him.

How often should you bathe your baby?

Bathing your newborn once a day is more than enough to keep him clean. Go easy on the products—your baby’s skin is soft and delicate. You can also consider keeping bath time in the evening—the warm bath will relax your baby making sure that he (and you) get a good night’s sleep.


How deep is the bucket?

Pick your products wisely

You can fill up the tub up to your baby's shoulder so that he settles in comfortably for a cosy bath. Also, never fill up the tub with your baby in it—to prevent accidents by the tub filling in too quickly. As he splashes around, throw in some rubber toys to make bath time more fun!

Invest in a good bath support

Along with the bath tub, a bath support is an absolute essential for your new born. You can choose anything from a cushion-like support to a chair-style support that will prop your baby up. Don't forget a bath mat that'll provide a good grip. But remember, whatever you do, never leave your baby unattended in water—even if you have a support.


Pick your products wisely

Pick your products wisely

Your baby doesn’t need too much of scrubbing, so, a simple, mild cleanser and shampoo should do We suggest relying on the Baby Dove Rich Moisture Bar. Why? Because this bar is one of the mildest forms of soaps. It contains 1/4th moisturising cream to help replenish moisture and nutrients that often get lost during their bathing session. Shampooing your baby’s hair’s twice a week should be good enough, too. Using too many products will just dry out his delicate skin. Post bath, apply the Baby Dove Rich Moisture Lotion. This one is pH neutral, soothes dry skin right from the first time you use it and provides 24 hours moisturisation while leaving your baby’s skin soft and scented. And never use adult products on your newborn’s skin!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Yes, we know you’re a super-mommy, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask for help. Bath time can be fun, however, for a new mother it can also be a tiring affair. With all that exhaustion, having someone to hand over the baby to you or helping you dress him up can be a huge relief. Better yet, take turns with your partner for bathing the baby. You’ll be happy for the downtime, which is great because happy moms make the best moms!

Shweta Vepa Vyas

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