5 Hacks To Get Your Eyebrows To Grow Faster

Written by Shweta Vepa VyasMay 14, 2020
5 hacks to get your eyebrows to grow faster

Do you believe bushy equals better when it comes to your eyebrows? If yes, we’ve put together a list of our favourite hacks that’ll help your eyebrow growth. So, without further ado, channel your inner Frida Kahlo and grow that brow!


Castor and coconut oil

Egg yolk to grow eyebrows faster

Castor oil works perfectly well on your hair, so there’s no reason why it shouldn’t work on your eyebrows. Castor oil is high in Vitamin E, Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, proteins and other minerals and will help you achieve thick eyebrows. Since its consistency is thick you can combine it with coconut oil—also rich in nutrients—and massage it over your eyebrows. We suggest you combine one part of each oil in a bottle and keep it handy. You can either leave it on overnight or wash it off an hour after application.

Olive oil and honey

Loaded with antioxidants and Vitamins A and E, olive oil is known to be great for hair and skin health. Honey too, is rich in antioxidants and is a natural conditioner that will improve the hair health. Apply this on your eyebrows, leave it on for an hour and rinse off.


Aloe vera

Egg yolk to grow eyebrows faster

While you might commonly associate aloe vera with skin, it's also great for your eyebrows. It contains natural enzymes that restore the hair roots and condition the hair. Aloe vera also has soothing properties that help calm any kind of inflammation or irritation. Apply this and leave it on overnight, a couple of times a week.

Onion juice

Did you know that onions are great for more than just your salad? Apart from being antibacterial and antifungal, onion juice nourishes the hair follicles, helping you achieve those perfect eyebrows. Owing to its antibacterial properties, hair fall is also arrested, thus boosting hair health. Apply onion juice on your eyebrows 2-3 times a week and rinse off after an hour.


Egg yolk

Egg yolk to grow eyebrows faster

Eggs are packed with keratin, the protein responsible for hair growth. Not only will egg yolk help grow eyebrows fast, but also thicken and condition the hair. You can either beat the yolk till you get a thick cream-like consistency or add a binding agent like gram flour or besan. Apply this once a week for an hour and you'll see the difference!

Shweta Vepa Vyas

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