Everything You Need To Know About Facial Oils And Elixirs

Written by Vishwa KhareOct 08, 2018
Everything you need to know about facial oils and elixirs

Honestly speaking, you’ll never know what facial glow really is until you begin to use face oils and elixirs. Even if your skin reacts to just about anything and everything, a facial oil and elixir can be that game-changer you’re in search of— if you’ve found the right oil, that is. Wondering how and why these oils are great? Well, we’re here to break down the trend that’s here to stay. Keep on reading for the lowdown.

So, what is a facial oil?

There are two variants of facial oils— synthetic oils, and plant oils. Every bottle of facial oil is abundant in ingredients that nourish your skin, such as Vitamin C, mineral oil, antioxidants, and fatty acids. If you use this oil every day, you’ll have healthy, glowing skin, as these the ingredients the oil consists of helps build something that’s called the lipid barrier, which is simply a stronger layer of skin. Even though this oil is known as a facial oil, you don’t have to use it just on your face— you could use it on the rest of your body, as well.

Now that you know what a facial oil is, here’s why it’s beneficial:

  1. Using it doesn’t cause breakouts thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. The ingredients they comprise slow down ageing.
  3. Facial oils repair your skin’s damaged cells, nourish and rejuvenate your skin, and balance and improve complexion.

  4. Wondering what the different kinds of facial oils are and which one is best for your skin? Read on to find out.


Jojoba Oil

For oily skin

Yes, you can now use oil on oily skin! Once you apply jojoba oil to your skin, it gets absorbed very easily into your skin, and then begins to mimic your skin’s sebum-production process. It basically tricks the sebaceous glands into producing smaller amounts of oil. What’s great about this facial oil is that it doesn’t leave your already-oily skin even more oily or greasy. Instead, it helps your skin remain moisturized and hydrated.

Tamanu Oil

For acne-prone skin

Acne is everyone’s nightmare. It leaves your skin scarred and damaged. Fortunately, tamanu oil is here to the rescue. This oil can help repair skin that has been damaged by acne, as it contains antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to this, tamanu oil is probably the only facial oil that consists of a lipid called calophylloide, which is natural anti-inflammatory ingredient.

Hemp Seed Oil

For sensitive skin

If you’ve got sensitive skin, it can be quite challenging to find a product that suits you. Hemp seed oil is a facial oil that’s great for just about any skin type, including sensitive skin. If you apply this oil to your face regularly, you’ll have to deal with significantly less breakouts and blackheads. If you want to enhance the effects of this oil, you could always mix it with jojoba oil or castor oil. However, be sure to store this oil in a refrigerator, as when it’s exposed to high temperatures, it could become rancid.


Rosehip Oil

For dry skin

Rosehip oil can penetrate into almost every layer of your skin, and help your skin cells regenerate, which is why it’s wonderful for dry, flaky, skin. Furthermore, it’s rich in Vitamin C, Omega-3, Omega-6, as well as fatty acids. This oil is also great when it comes to reducing any signs of ageing, as it’s abundant in retinol.

Now, let’s move on to elixirs. Here’s what you need to know about them:

True to its name, elixirs just like magic potions that work wonders on your skin. Elixirs, which are usually thinner than creams and serums, comprise different kinds of oils, extracts from plants, ceramides, as well as herbal infusions. Just like facial oils, elixirs can help make your skin healthier and brighter, and can help heal different kinds of damage.

You could include elixirs in your beauty regimen in two ways—as a make-up base or before you go to bed. The latter option will ensure fresh, dewy skin, when you wake up.

However, you can’t use just any elixir— you’ll have to use one that’s suitable for your skin. If you’ve got dry skin, try using an elixir that’s heavier. But if you’re looking for something that’s hydrating, an elixir mist is your best bet. You should also watch out for the ingredients present in an elixir before using one— you’ll find the ingredients on the packaging itself. If you’re looking to treat acne or brighten your skin, you should pick the elixir that best suits your skin’s condition and concern.

Vishwa Khare

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