Hair Mask Vitamins For Hair Repair: The Best In 2022

Written by Kinnari AsharNov 09, 2022
Hair Mask Vitamins for Hair Repair: The Best in 2022

There’s a secret to have long, beautiful and luscious hair and we’re about to uncover it for you. Along with choosing the correct shampoo and conditioner, it is also extremely essential to pay attention to your intake of vitamins. You heard us, ladies! Piling up on expensive products and getting some of those bizarre beauty treatments done isn’t really the way to go! Just a minor change in your dietary intake can help you go a long way. So, it is time you reassessed your diet to check for certain important vitamins. Here’s everything you need to know about which vitamin is good for hair growth fast and the ones you should be taking for your hair’s health. 

Best Hair Mask Vitamins for Hair Repair   

Getting hair of a quality like that of Rapunzel’s no longer remains a chimera. The right kind of nutrition can help you get thicker and longer hair. Here’s everything you need to know about your vitamin intake


1. Vitamin A for Hair Growth

Vitamin E:

Vitamin A is responsible for cell growth, which also includes the growth of your hair. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants that helps moisturize your scalp and prevents your hair from getting dry. Apart from hair growth, it even plays a significant role in giving you thicker, stronger hair

Plus, vitamin A is responsible for the production of the oily substance sebum which is vital to moisturizing and maintaining a healthy scalp

Foods that provide vitamin A: 

Include carrots, kale, spinach and sweet potatoes in your diet as they are rich in vitamin A. You can also include dairy products such as milk and yoghurt, or even eggs. 

Deficiency of vitamin A can result in hair loss as this vitamin is responsible for stimulating hair growth and maintaining the health of your hair. Therefore, a lack of vitamin A can result in significant damage to your hair.


2. Vitamin B for Hair Thickness

Vitamin E:

If you’ve ever visited a dermatologist or a trichologist, you’ll know that they emphasize strongly on the importance of vitamin B in your diet for healthy hair, especially B12. Vitamin B truly is kind of a big deal. 

Along with B12, there is another important form of vitamin B, biotin or B7. Why is biotin so important, you might ask? 

Well, your hair is made up of the protein keratin, and biotin plays an eminent role in maintaining and improving your body’s keratin infrastructure. It also helps carry oxygen and nutrients to your scalp, thereby promoting healthy hair growth. Along with giving you longer hair, it makes your hair thicker as well. 

B12, on the other hand, improves and strengthens the condition of your hair. Deficiency of the vitamin B12, especially during menopause, leads to considerable hair loss. 

And don’t forget niacin, more commonly known as the vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 helps with the growth of healthy hair. B3, or Niacin, is responsible for improving your overall blood circulation and more importantly, for increasing the flow of blood to your scalp, thus providing those essential nutrients to your hair follicles

Foods that provide B-vitamin: 

Nuts, bananas, beef, tuna, whole grains, mushrooms, meat and seafood are some of the foods rich in Vitamin-B. Lack of biotin can result in you having brittle hair. Opt for small dosages of biotin supplements, with your doctor’s prescription, if you’re found to be really deficient in this vitamin. 


3. Vitamin C for Hair Greying Control

Vitamin E:

How could we leave vitamin C out of this list? Vitamin C is essential to the absorption of iron which helps in hair growth. 

Suffering from the premature greying of hair? Well, vitamin C can come to your rescue. 

And the benefits don’t just stop there! 

It also plays a major role in collagen production. Collagen is the protein that helps make your hair thicker

Foods that provide vitamin C: 

Citrus fruits such as lemons, strawberries and grapefruit are loaded with vitamin C. 


4. Vitamin D for New Hair Growth

Vitamin E:

When you think of vitamin D, you often also think of the sun’s rays! It is never really a bad idea to head outside and scoop up some of that sunlight essential for the production of vitamin D in your body. 

If you have a vitamin D deficiency, you are most likely to suffer from alopecia, a severe form of hair loss. The intake of vitamin D enables the body to create new hair follicles, allowing new hair to grow

Additionally, it also helps with the production of hair. So, make sure that you maintain the requisite amount of vitamin D in your dietary intake. 

Increasing your dosage of vitamin D during hair loss will certainly help your case. Although the shedding may still last for about as long as 2 months, you’ll soon begin to notice significant hair growth again

Foods that provide vitamin D: 

Egg yolk, fish, soy milk, cereal and cheese are rich in vitamin D. 


5. Vitamin E for Hair Dryness

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble anti-oxidant that helps build and repair tissues, making it extremely important for hair growth. It also helps reduce cell damage, thereby boosting the growth of your hair. Plus, it combats those free radicals that contribute to the loss of hair. 

Studies have linked the consumption of vitamin E to a decrease in hair loss. It also helps repair any damage done to your hair and gives your hair a certain luster. 

Just like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps prevent oxidative stress, thereby reducing hair loss. Plus, vitamin E helps seal the moisture in your hair and prevents your hair from getting dry. 

Foods that provide vitamin E: 

Sunflower seeds, spinach, almonds and avocados are rich sources of vitamin E. You can also opt for vitamin E supplements if you wish to. 

Along with certain foods, there are also certain shampoos that contain vitamin E. You can even choose to apply almond oil onto your hair as it is loaded with vitamin E. 

FAQs about Hair Vitamins for Hair Repair  

Which vitamin is good for hair fall control? 

A deficiency of biotin has been associated with hair loss. Scientists believe that B vitamins aid in carrying nutrients and oxygen to the scalp to promote hair growth. 

Which vitamin is good for hair regrowth? 

Hair growth is stimulated by vitamin D, so when the body lacks enough, hair may grow less. Vitamin D deficiency may also contribute to autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata. 

Kinnari Ashar

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A beauty and food enthusiast with a decade of writing experience, Kinnari treats her skincare routine like a sacred ritual and views a gourmet meal as a daily necessity. Balancing her time between uncovering the latest beauty trends and taste-testing culinary delights, she’s always up for trying new products or savouring a delicious dish.

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